What would you do if someone ran over

What would you do if someone ran over - your riding buddy and fled the scene?

  • Stay with buddy until ambulence takes him to the hospital

    Votes: 143 100.0%
  • Ensure help for buddy, then chase & get description/plate #

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ensure help for buddy, then chase/follow until cops arrest perp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ensure help for buddy, then chase/citizen arrest perp yourself

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ensure help for buddy, then chase and beat/assault perp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chase perp & get description info & plate #

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chase perp & follow perp until cops arrest perp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chase perp & citizen arrest/detain perp yourself

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chase perp & beat the f#@king s@#t out of him

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other, explain...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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I will not leave my wingman. If it's more than 2 in the group, then it's someones job to i.d. the f'er.
I'd have to stay with my friend. I almost always carry when riding and would hate to think what would happen if I were'nt thinking straight. Plus I ride with enough others that they could catch anyone driving a car.
I've done a lot of thinking about this subject over the last 6 days, there is no doubt what I would do. All that mattered to me last wednesday was that Steve would live, even today, 6 days later I feel the same way. I would love to see that the perps get caught, tried and punished, but I would rather be there for my friend. If I were the rider down, I would hope that my friends would care more about me than their perception of justice.

I believe that God allows things to occur in our lives for reasons we don't understand. In this case, God allowed Steve to be hit, dragged and left, for what reason, I don't know. I have a few guesses but they are just guesses.

I am with you to a point.  The blood in my veins courses a little too hot to believe the "it all happens for a purpose."  Of course, if that's true then what I'd do next would be for a purpose . .  so there's that.

After the smoke cleared and the friend was in the hospital I would raise holy h&ll to have the perpetrators brought to justice.  I would contact the police daily, the news media, my representatives in the state legislature, my representatives in washington.  I would be at the trial, I would be there when they read the verdict.  Then, once they were convicted I would visit them regularly, to make sure they were misereable.  If they weren't miserable enough, I'd establish contacts INSIDE the prison to make sure that they were receiving all that the prison system had to offer - preferably facing the other way and face down in a toilet when it happens.  I'd spend hundereds of dollars yearly on CASES of cigarrettes for my newfound / incarcerated friends just to make sure that 'justice' was properly being doled out.

And that is the CIVILIZED VERSION.

When I think about that happening to the people I care about, I pray that I'd have the self control (and a few good friends to hold me down) to keep me from doing what I'd WANT to do - which would start at the ankles and not stop till I either ran out of shells or body parts to blow off.

All sins are sins against god, so only god can forgive them.  Hopefully he'd forgive me too . .
That happened to me and a buddy in Oct. I was following him, and a landscaping truck pulled right in front and he slammed into it, flying across the intersection. The truck pulled over 40 yds later, and as I jumped off my bike, the truck took off. There were 20+- witnesses, and 20 mins later the ####### was arrested. He was an illegal alien w/ no license, and no green card. My buddy is now ok, and needless to say will be owning the landscaping co. The perp only got 3-23 months....but we all know he'll be out on 3, and probably run back to Mixico. Great justice system, huh?
Ever since I read about what happened to Steve I've thought about it a lot.

I would stay and secure my friend.
If it's bad.....I stay till the Medics arrive and then I follow to the hospital to be with the family.

If he's lucid, alright (relatively speaking) and out of danger on the road... There is not a car built that I won't catch. I don't care if you're illegal, suspended license, no license, drunk, or just can't drive.... you don't leave the scene if you hit someone and they go down. Fender-bender hit-and-run is one thing, but when a body hits the pavement you stop and see if the person is ok. And not just for my buddy. If someone thinks life is that insignificant, they will do it again if they get away with it, or have done it before and gotten away. That is the worse, lowest, thing any driver can do.

Revenge is one thing, stopping the A-hole from causing more pain to someone else is totally different.
definitely stay with your friend. no way should you leave them until proper help has arrived....

in the mental state (shocked, angry) that you'd be in after such an incident, you wouldn't be riding in any normal sense - increasing the chances of getting hurt yourself if you were going to chase someone.

the best you could do would be to get a lic. plate #, but the last thing you want to do is get involved with some a$$hole who has such little regard for others...

still, in the heat of that situation, I'd really want to track them down and beat the crap out of them. but life ain't a movie.
If someone answers a poll, it kicks it back up top.

I can give advise on this one first hand from the run over buddy perspective.

I was run over by a car and he did run, never to be seen again, and after all has been said and done I would have prefered my buddy to quickly assess my state of being and saftey of leaving me, then chase the SOB down and at the least get the plate number and description of the vehicle then return to render aid.

It totally sucks knowing some azzhat got away with ruining my life and nobody did crap. My buddy couldnt chase but a few other people could have but sat around to see what happened to me instead, and the cops were usless and had more important things to do than to put fourth a serious effort for joe schmoe and track down a hit and run.

So yeah, do what you can for your buddy as fast as possible then go get the bastid's info!!
That is a tough question. If allowed check on buddy to assure stable and chase them down to at least ID'em. Or you carry a pistol and fire off a couple through their back window guns.gif as they are commiting a felony by leaving.... SHOCKED.gif but what if it has kids in it??

DAYUM...I hate these kinds of questions.

if a witness was there then i would suggest they grab the plate# other than that i'm not leaving there side.
Im packing everytime I ride....They WILL stop! But to answer your question....I would make sure that my buddy is cool and someone is there but I will stop the vehicle!
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