What would you have done ?

Put him in a cell with a learning disabled, horny male. I know of one perfect for the job. I swear he' s got a baby arm hanging there even when it' s NOT angry! You' d really have to know this whack job!
Evil triumphs when good people allow it. No one had a cell phone to call 911?

That's exactly why I have a CCW. I would be very careful if I pulled it. If I shot and killed the perpetrator I would do time because the jury would say we weren't in a life threatening, immenient danger.

All that said and done I would've stopped and pulled the gun (both of them) he obviously would have the other one when the cops came......
nobody thought it was a rape in progress.....

they thought it was consentual sex....

i understand your outrage, but how can you be angry with people if they did not see a rape?

and there were 911 calls?
nobody thought it was a rape in progress.....

they thought it was consentual sex....

i understand your outrage, but how can you be angry with people if they did not see a rape?

and there were 911 calls?

I'm angry with the act.
I'm more angry, saddened, and slack-jawed at the incredible ambivalence of our society.
Whether you thought it was consensual or not... sex on a public street in obvious view of others should evoke a stronger sense of outrage than, "I thought it was consensual, so I thought it was OK."
seriously dude, quit trying to send them out here. we have enough tourists already.

Dude, I called Wyoming and North Dakota first. They put me on hold then transferred me to Montana. :laugh:

Actually, though... someone did mention Death Valley in August would be a good spot, but not enough critters.
Just thinking about the eco-system, that's all.
I can't pass judgement on any of the witnesses as I don't know exactly what the situation looked like. I've been a field tech for 20 years and my job often takes me into areas such as Gary Indiana and the south side of Chicago. Two people of any gender combination going at it like wild animals wouldn't exactly be a surprise in those areas.

Ohio must be a strange place though. While reading that story there was a box to the right with other "stories of interest".
This one caught my eye:

Man caught having sex with table gets 6 months
seems someone should have at least offered to ask them to move to a more private spot, take pictures, join in...something. When discovered that he was raping her, a sudden, quick fist to his throat would save the tax payers a lot of cash... just sayin :whistle:

Almost exactly what i would do. Consentual, I would stop and watch. Rape, well, there must have been a brick or rock around to adjust the young man with.:whistle:
The Country is Going to HECK in a HANDBASKET !!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunetly since we Can't kill the guy in this Society. Perhaps some sort of Rehab if he gets out. Obviously He has Issues. If those Issues are not Dealt with then he is DOOMED to Repeat his Actions. Its kinda like guys who go to Prison for 30 Years and Don't get any Help when they get out ??? DOOMED TO REPEAT. That's all they Know. :rulez:
Evil triumphs when good people allow it. No one had a cell phone to call 911?

That's exactly why I have a CCW. I would be very careful if I pulled it. If I shot and killed the perpetrator I would do time because the jury would say we weren't in a life threatening, immenient danger.

All that said and done I would've stopped and pulled the gun (both of them) he obviously would have the other one when the cops came......

In Missouri lethal force is justified to prevent or stop a rape.
I vote death by rape for this guy as for the passing by and witnessing it I wasn't there so I have no idea as to what I would have done.
We can only hope that they charge him as an adult, otherwise as a juvenile they will hold him until he is 21 (or so) and then turn him loose on society again. Personally I would have walked up and kicked him in the butt and asked what the heck was going on and if he pulled the scissors out again.....well lets just say justice would be served. Disgusting, reminds me of the case recently in Richmond, CA., where a young girl was gang raped at a home coming dance while as many as 20 people stood by and watched.
