What a shame...
You should have seen all the girls tonight dressed as tarts - all the costumes are waaay too adult for the age of the girl wearing them....when they said "trick or treat", it wasn't that far off the mark.....
I think the kid should have had a "I'm with stupid" printed on the back....
Personally....I would have said something to "dad" on that one...
Sorry but HECK NO a kid should not be wearing that nor should the shirt be asking for pot !
WTF is wrong with people these days ?
I'm willing to bet that the adult , guessing it was his father probably smokes pot in front of the child and thinks nothing of it .
That would def have lit my fuse .
Remember the old commercial: " I learned it by watching you". Absolutly absurd. Let's find a way to blame it on Obama!!
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Thats too easy. The kid is obviously a future democratic supporter. Hence the bad judgement.