What would you think?


So you take your Busa in to a "guy" to have some work done on it (custom stuff)......time passes......more time passes.....still more time passes.... not a word from him.

You realize that this guy has had your bike for over 6 months (entire year of 2000). You e-mail and get no response, you call him and hear nothing. You would like your bike back to at least finish the work yourself, but no response.

What woud you do???????????

This has happened to a list board/member, one of the nicest guys around. He flew to the guys house (called me from there yesterday) and still the guy had not shown up.

I'll bet that the bike is not even close to being finished. Bet parts (like an engine???)have been used on another bike (like his).

This is a real shame, no way to do business or treat people. Sure I should not talk about this here since it's not my bike, but sometimes you just need to vent.

Good luck (Chuck) on getting your bike back, hope all is ok with it.
...get all your "facts" before you run your "story"....if you hope to attain some credibility, that is....1/2 of the "truth" generaly makes for a bad story and difficult resoloutions....what have You actualy Done to Resolve any of this? It seems like you are just trying to stir up **** , to me...
If its anything like what happened to me...Get a van/pickup and go get your bike no matter what happens. I lost £12,000 (18k US) like this when a bike shop when bust, then my turbo GSXR 7/11 went "missing".
Six months seems like a long time. Was this suppose to provide up front cash but didn't? Was he provided a time frame that the work would be completed?

Maybe it's just my growing up in Phila. But I have a real probably sending my bike off to someone I don't know or someone I really trust doesn't know well. Especially a brand new highly desirable motorcycle like the Hayabusa.
My friends who ride Harley's buy the thing and then send it to Brand XXX repair shop or Brand XXX Harley shop and most of them complain about fenders being scratch,chrome scratched, oil hand prints on bike and so on and so on. I tell them buy a shop manuel and do most of the work yourself, join or startup a bike group that have the same type of bike you have and learn from them on how to fix your bike or who to avoid when taking your bike in for service. Myself I started a meeting of Hayabusa owners and also started a little show and tell information on how to fix or take apart your Hayabusa. The bottom line is to share the information,you'll make friends and maybe get a great hookup for other things other than bike stuff that these people that show up might share with you. What ever happened to the old time sharing!!!!!! Yes you'll have people that will show up and take information but not share in other things but that happens in life anyways. It's better to teach and share.
My 2cents, oh ya make sure you got your facts and figures right before you share because you do not want anyone getting hurt from your information.
JeffW, chill please. It will be shipped to me totally finished next friday. Michael hasn't used none of my pieces on his or no one else bike.
6 months!!! I would go down there with a shot gun and some lube oil. :) J/K I would show up after a month and get my bike back finished or not.