What's everybody's winter plans? (mods)

No mod plans :dunno:

Just gonna keep on ridin'...all year 'round :whistle:
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Yeah...I think I'll modify my odometer to add another 30-40k miles before Spring. :rofl:

Seriously, though...no real plans except to set up the GPS I bought which is still in the box. :laugh:

My plans are to watch it snow and swear at the woman in charge and people who live in SoCal and rub it in that they are riding.:cheerleader::cheerleader: Bring on winter.
Made it thru the first summer without really touching what is a completely stock bike. This winter the modding starts. My list includes
4-1 exhaust
power commander with custom tune
brake pads
new brake lines
new seat
hump mod for the grab handle
speedo healer
gear indicator
air box mod
ill be riding all winter :P
but ill probably do a full yoshi 4-2-1 exhaust along with suspension and my 16k service.
It's just now prime rideing weather down here. Except for a few cold snaps don't really have a winter to speak of.:thumbsup:
1. fly my SRB Quark until the blades fall off.
2. Pace like a caged lion awaiting spring and the new riding season.
3. spend a lot of time flirtin' with the baristas down at my local Starbucks!
Ohhhhh it's h*ll to be retired, too much time on my hands! :laugh:
hopefully installing the genmar riser for xmas. i am not sure which height i should grab but i'm leaning toward the 1 1/4" :whistle:
hmmm how about a fresh undercut trans, return the bike to stock and sell the thing....

Gen2 and a track bike for spring sounds like an idea...
just sank a bunch of cash in Brocks stuff...pics in an earlier post (new goodies...), have a Hotbodies Tail Light Kit and BMC Filter on the way (should b here tomorrow)...the AlienHead and PC III come on Oct 2...and then a Set of THESE in December (would be earlier but 1100.00 takes a LITTLE time to set aside for them)...btw ...they are going on a Orange/Black '08

-Replace the fuel lines & fuel filter
-Cut a hole in that plate on the underside of the hump for more storage

...and keep riding between snow storms