superbusaman -
Feel free to talk to them and try to share some wisdom with them. But don’t expect them to have enough common sense to listen.
Cases in point.
neighbor across my street at my old house a few years back. Buy's a new GSXR. No gear except helmet.
With my years of experience and a few accidents under my belt and the fact I care about this kid, I decide to try and talk to him about getting gear.
He was like 23 at the time. Even though we know each other and always got a long, as soon as I tried sharing some wisdom with him, I immediately got attitude like I had no fricken idea what I was talking about. He told me he knew how to ride, and he wasnt going to do anything stupid.. blah blah blah.
So seeing I saw his wall going up and he wasnt going to listen to me anyway, I just smiled and said “okâ€
2 months later I see him bringing his bike back in the back of a truck, he decided to do a wheelie and looped it, trashed his bike, tore him self up abit. I never said anything to him.
One of his friends started doing wheelies down my 25mph residential street. 50mph wheelies.
I yelled at the guy to knock it off, he parked his bike and stood across the street with one of his buddies and they had their arms folded across their chests trying to act all tough and stuff, the guy doing the wheelies yelled at me and asked me if I had a problem (in a tone as though he thought I was going to wuss out and back down or something), I said sure do, why don’t you come over so we can discuss it. I didnt care if him and his buddy and other friends came over, I was so pissed didnt really who thought they were going to back me down.
At that point he walked over and his friend stayed put, I basically chewed his but out telling him my 3 boys AND the neighbors boys play all the time in the area, and all it takes is for him to be doing a 50 mph hour wheelie and some kid to chase a ball in the street and it would be all over, for him AND the kid.
He never did a wheelie again down the street, but I think it was more because I intimidated him than he agreed with me.
Point I am trying to make, you can talk till your blue in the face, and most of these kids 25 years old and younger think they know everything, they don’t understand the concept of riding beyond their abilities, they don’t think they will ever get hurt and nothing you can say will convince them otherwise.
If you feel a moral obligation to say something, do it, but don’t expect them to listen and just don’t ride with them. If you ride with them you are going to bond with them and it will make it harder for you when one of them gets killed.
Stay out of the frag pattern
I am not against any specific age of riders, but if you are going to ride fast, or do wheelies or any other stunts, expect to go down and wear as much gear as possible. If you are driving like a bat out of hell and doing all kinds of stunts and you are not wearing anything but jeans and running shoes, you don’t have any common sense and eventually something will go wrong.
Just my .02