This is the story of Lambs life. Even when he does talk a lil, all it does is get misconstrued and twisted as "you don't talk with me, you talk at me". Lots and lots of this story to go around. It seems as though people just care about being "liked", and don't care about "you". Generally speaking, of course. If you are not willing to listen to their boring stories and endless gaggle about nothing and everything, then you must not "like" them and this bruises their fragile psychy. They become uncomfortable in their own skin, because they are uncomfortable in their own skin. Don't back down and don't play the game if you don't like the game. Get a small pocket recorder and record some of their nonsense. Then record some more. It's best to be armed when the need arises. These recorders are small and start recording when it hears noise. It's a fun game.
Good luck, and keep it down. We're counting on you.
Besides, to get insensitive for a moment, it sure is great when a woman isn't constantly blathering on and on. Telling every lil detail about the day and the drive to work and the pothole she can't miss and the shoes she can't wear because her feet are swollen and the rain messes up her hair which she combs 75 times each night before drinking a glass of water and kissing the kids, blah blah blah.