Wheelie school

05 Busa LE

Donating Member
A friend hooked me up with this link. For all of us who can't ... or don't want to try with our own bikes .... Maybe a little pricey (about $500), but you get to learn on someone else's bike! Here's the link:
I'm all for stunts that aren't done on city streets or in traffic. Stunts are
to watch. Hopefully that school will emphasize some judgement and common sense on where and when to stunt...
Looks fun, but this is the same school where a woman died last year. I'm not saying the school is at fault, stunting is dangerous. I just dont like how they make it to look totally safe.
Looks fun, but this is the same school where a woman died last year. I'm not saying the school is at fault, stunting is dangerous. I just dont like how they make it to look totally safe.
I think they are trying to make it as safe as they can without turning the bike into a tricycle with a roll cage and defeating the object of the exercise.

I didn't get the impression that you aren't going to hurt yourself if you fall off and/or the bike falls on you.

Pulling wheelies, drag racing, track racing, street racing or just riding to the local shops are all dangerous in their own way.

Finally, this is from the "FAQ" section of the website:

"Is it safe?

Don't be silly, we are talking about motorcycles in extreme situations, of course it isn't "safe".

Can the bike flip over even with the two anti-flipover mechanisms it is equipped with?

No one has been able to do it yet but that certainly isn't a guarantee that it can't be flipped. All kinds of things could happen, for example, the anti-flipover mechanisms could malfunction or break.

What happens if a rider shows up who can't ride very well?
We end their day.

What safety gear do I need to bring?

Full Leathers are ideal but the rule is no street pants (not even jeans) are allowed.
You must wear pants and a jacket made specifically for motorcycle riding.
Full Face Helmet Snell or DOT approved.
Boots over the ankles.
Full Coverage Gloves."