I recommend NO CLUTCH.
To start out, get rolling in first. Steady throttle at 5k. Whack it open and hold. Let her accelerate thru about 8-9k. The wheel will come up, but not as hard and fast as at 6k.
When you get a feel, adjust the RPM you start at, and how hard you hammer the throttle.
Yes, keep the rear-brake covered. That was a "duh" on my part.
And, yes, the first few times it comes up fast and hard, you'll believe you're going to flip it. Resist the urge to completely slam the throttle shut... if you do, try your damndest to keep a brain particle moving that says, "re-open the throttle before the front hits!".
Start out with puss wheelies (5k whack on and hold) and move up to medium/good wheelies (6k and whack on.)
Shifiting into second is not your priority. Getting a 1-2 foot high, 2 second long wheely is your priority. You work from there.