Wheelie time?

Piece of wisdom---don't practice this with the seat on, if I hadn't had the hump on the other night I'da landed on my butt and watched her tumble.

thread 'I just almost fuked up'

Learn from MY mistake before you pull a stupid like I did.
Putting the Busa in the air is easy once you let your fears go.

It's been said already, just take it up to 5k-6k, let off the gas a touch and hammer it! Unless you drop the clutch at 5k from a dead stop, you won't flip it.

Next week you'll be wanting to shift.
I recommend NO CLUTCH.

To start out, get rolling in first. Steady throttle at 5k. Whack it open and hold. Let her accelerate thru about 8-9k. The wheel will come up, but not as hard and fast as at 6k.
When you get a feel, adjust the RPM you start at, and how hard you hammer the throttle.
Yes, keep the rear-brake covered. That was a "duh" on my part.
And, yes, the first few times it comes up fast and hard, you'll believe you're going to flip it. Resist the urge to completely slam the throttle shut... if you do, try your damndest to keep a brain particle moving that says, "re-open the throttle before the front hits!".

Start out with puss wheelies (5k whack on and hold) and move up to medium/good wheelies (6k and whack on.)

Shifiting into second is not your priority. Getting a 1-2 foot high, 2 second long wheely is your priority. You work from there.
I saw part of the fairing close to the camera at the end of the fall.

Anyway I hate the sound of a crashing bike. I have flashbacks from my Busa crash whenever I play that video.
"(21 May 2000, Ontario, Canada) A 28-year-old man won a motorcycle race on Sunday at the Shannonville Motorsport Park. In his excitement, he popped a wheelie at the finish line. But he lost control of his bike, fell over, and was run over by several competitors, who collided in a vain attempt to avoid the prone man."

Ambush, I have been where you are now. If I understand you...you are reving the engine and then dumping the clutch. That is now what everyone is saying. Just take off in 1st gear and roll along slowly and let the RPMs build till you are up to around 5,000. Then just give it full throttle but you have to do it quickly like really yank it open. You will want to lay down on the tank because the bike takes off so fast. If you do that you are more likely to get wheel spin instead of a wheelie. You have to sit up more upright. If you put a bigger rear sprocket on your bike that will make it much easier. I put a 42 tooth on mine and now I can get the front wheel up pretty easy at very low RPMs. That is a plus because you are only going maybe 20 MPH when you start instead of 50. Adding Heli bars helps too because you are sitting more upright.
Another big factor is how much gas is in the tank. It is best to try when it is around 1/4 tank. The more gas the harder it is to get it up. I had people wanting to see wheelies too. But if you wait till you are going 6,000 RPMs in 1st you are in the next town befoe you start showing off LOL. The 42 tooth is great and I think I am going for a 43. Work your way up to it. Don't rush it. Settle for 1 or 2 foot tall wheelies for a while. I learned from riding dirt bikes that hitting the rear brake is not a natural thing to do. You have to work at it. Your natural tendency is to drop your feet down if you go too high. That is what the guy in the above video did. Unless you get real crazy I don't think you are likely to flip the busa. It is big and heavy and has a long wheel base.
good luck and ride safe
Ambush, try using a little hill or incline on a straight road, (the hill will help your weight transfer to the back wheel) just before the crest try dumping it in second, like I said before. Try different speeds. But don't just race it up to 10,000RPMs and dump it, you must keep twisting the gas, because when the clutch hooks up the RPMs drop. I hope that helps, this is definitely something eaiser to show someone then to explain.
I had wheelspin on the junk oem until I put the M/T on...watch thy A$$ when you get the oem tire off, be it Dun, Mich, M/T, whatever. It's going to behave differently, trust me.

*learned the hard way*
You've hurt my feelings.
I said, don't clutch it.
The 'Bus only needs the clutch on a stock bike for 2nd gear wheelies.
You're likely to light up the rear, pitch it sideways, and ... maybe not.

damm quincy was the camera dude running from the bike??? Looked like it was after him!
Came out of wheelie retirement today. On the onramp, nailed the throttle at 4K and hit redline, but nothing happened...until I speed-shifted to second, then OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH SSSSHHHHHIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had to turn around, go home, and change my briefs. Scared the hell out of me, but it was way cool!
SonnyBusa those are some nice videos. People always tell me its hard to do long wheelies with the Busa cos it has a long wheelbase. How do you find it? I can only pop it up and then down immediately.
Won't come up in first without clutch at all? Sounds like sumptin's amiss to me.

**** , I don't even get it up to 5k. I just wack the throttle in first and when it gets to 5k or 6k BAM, here she comes. Kinda scary actually. Think I'll try CM's method. :)

Dead-on-busa you are doing something wrong for SURE. Take the bike up to 5k rpm and crank the throttle WIDE open. It will "go up" for sure. In fact just to get a gentler ride up I go to about 3500 rpm and crank it there. It doesn't pop up as violently, kinda gradual.