

Ok guys,
I'm getting stuck into my new busa .. she's run in and ready to go !

So I'm out learning how to ride her hard & fast, but she doesn't want to wheelie for me ?!

My bike is totally stock for the moment, Hindle & PCIII are on their way.

Under WOT in 2nd, the front skips a bit between 6000 - 8000rpm but that's it .. 1st gear just spins the rear. Gearing stock is 17/40.

On my old bike (R1) I just fanned the clutch at 6000rpm in 2nd and away I went .. but now if I fan the clutch it just locks and the front doesn't really get up at all.

I need to learn how you guys are doing your wheelies ...

This bike will be turbo'd in the not too distant future, but until the days of 280rwhp what can I do ?
around 8k rpm..... chop the throttle and the front will start diving... as its coming back up crack the throttle and the front should pop right up off the ground.
Just like on my GSX-R1000K3... Basically (in any 1-2-3 gears) get in the powerband, once there, cut the throttle a little and then punch it. Try twisting the throttle in small increments if it doesn't go up. We wouldn't want you to flip the bike

The thing on the GIX1000, it'll also get up that way in 4th gear BUT this means that you're already goin 200+ KM/M... scaaaaaary....
NO clutch needed. If I use the clutch on my Green Dragon I would go all the way over.
no clutch for me
i like to start a wheelie in 1st gear, at 4000rpm, steady, cut the throttle, then snap it.
We have lift off!
Then, roll back the throttle slowly as the bike is rising and catch the point where the bike stop rising with the throttle and try to keep it there by slightly accelerating until it goes back down.
When you get enough practice, you get it higher and you can keep it there as long as you want.
I never figured out how to shift during e wheelie
Be careful about that WOT, QB. Your busa will loop you faster than you expect it to. If your not ready for it, you're in store for some serious pain.

Trust me on this one....I speak from firsthand experience. I didn't want my Busa to wheelie, but she did...it freaked me out, and before I knew it, it was all over.

It's pretty eerie hearing your skin being scraped off...trust me. I had no idea the front would come up, and to top it off, I wasn't even prepared for it.

Believe me when I say this: if you think you really know your Busa, trust me: you don't. Every ounce of concentration is required when you ride it...she can definitely put you on the ground when you least expect it.

Keep that shiny side up, bro, and stay safe.
Thanks guys, I'm still learning how to ride her ..

NE - what kinda RPM are you lifting off at ? You're using Motorhead turbo ?

I'll head out to the twisties and empty roads tomorrow and practice what you guys have divulged :P

PB - ouch sounds nasty ! will keep an eye on it for sure, definitely not 100% yet .. new bike new learning curve !

Cheers again, will update soon ..
Like everyone just said, just a quick twist around 4000 rpm's,slight tug on the bars,lean back slightly,foot on back brake lever(your only way to get the front down if you start to go back too far!!),make sure your tires are warmed up, and away you go mate! You do not need the clutch.... As far as hitting second gear that should be done as the front starts to go up in first (without the clutch pop it into second). This takes a lot practice so just learn to ride first gear all the way before going into second at 90 mph.. Good Luck--I hope this helps!!!!
If your getting tire spin in first, make sure your tire is completely warmed up first. Other than that this thing will come up from pure throttle pretty much every time you want it too and some times you don't. You might be sitting a bit far forward putting more weight up there than you want?
Careful with the clutch method, you now have quite a bit more torque than your R1 did
no clutch for me
i like to start a wheelie in 1st gear, at 4000rpm, steady, cut the throttle, then snap it.
We have lift off!
Then, roll back the throttle slowly as the bike is rising and catch the point where the bike stop rising with the throttle and try to keep it there by slightly accelerating until it goes back down.
When you get enough practice, you get it higher and you can keep it there as long as you want.
I never figured out how to shift during e wheelie
If you reverse your shift pattern by flipping the lobe (use a 10mm allen wrench), it is easy, just shift by kicking down on the shifter instead of up.

BTW - this is the way many moto GP (and other racers) are setup. I do it on my street and track bike and LOVE it!

I can do wheelies in 1st gear when I'm not trying to. Shift into first and when the clutch is all the way out just twist on the power. I weigh 165lbs, not leaning back, not pulling back, and not cutting throttle to get the suspension rebound. She does it for me(practically stock, just a yoshi exhaust system), granted the tires are warmed up for this.
Same with me as Chrlie B. I weigh 185 and she'll come up for me with not provication and a warmed up rear. WOT leads to wheel spin it the meats cold.
Thanks guys, great info !

Oracle - how long did it take you to adjust ? And do you find it hard to ride other bikes ?

Clutchless shifting ... how many of u guys do it, ever had any gearbox probs
? What RPM, back off the gas ?
Oracle - interesting will try that but why would it make it easier?

quad - imho it think that clutcless shiting works better that with the clutch. if you blip the gas (a fraction of a fraction of a 1/10 of a turn), it's gonna be smooth as hell. I never tried it at high rpm. I love it when I'm crusing with one hand (clutch hand) on the hip like a poser and make sure people see me shifting clutchless.
What a poser