Not so much "banks" as it is speculators. They speculate supply vs demand and that is what drives up the cost.
There is some reasoning for the high prices of fuel cost now. (Not totallyy but some.) I work in the energy field. We are booming building new supply lines all over us. Work hasn't been this good since the boom in the 80s and its funded by the companies profits. So they are turning their money back into infrastructure but not totally. And its capitalism that let's them turn such large profits.
If we didn't need it we wouldn't pay it. Is it ethical or moral. I don't talk about those things because everyone has even more of an opinion on that vs real factual data.
Maybe one day energy can go back down to a degree but never will return fully. If It makes you feel any better we pay 1.30 for a bottle of filtered water. That we could get or filter ourselves for pennies.
Posted via Mobile Device
There is some reasoning for the high prices of fuel cost now. (Not totallyy but some.) I work in the energy field. We are booming building new supply lines all over us. Work hasn't been this good since the boom in the 80s and its funded by the companies profits. So they are turning their money back into infrastructure but not totally. And its capitalism that let's them turn such large profits.
If we didn't need it we wouldn't pay it. Is it ethical or moral. I don't talk about those things because everyone has even more of an opinion on that vs real factual data.
Maybe one day energy can go back down to a degree but never will return fully. If It makes you feel any better we pay 1.30 for a bottle of filtered water. That we could get or filter ourselves for pennies.
Posted via Mobile Device