Where in the h e double l is andy??

I figured you'd drool over the picture...
I would throw out the marco pollo joke but he didnt get it the first time.

Maybe he is working from a undercover name

BUt dont fear Big-T is looking out for us. Where is the fun police?
i dunno but it seemed he got unusually tweaked out on the "wheelie threads" and i recall him mentioning sumpt'in about him possibly needing a break from the board...alls i know is this...i just wouldn't feel right if i didn't apologize for the words i typed that andy seemed to accidentally take personal (when it was never intended that way) so if it means anything?...sorry rsd....c'mon back...it seems the boyz mis ya...besides...it ain't the same withoutcha...cause....well...we just don't feel the love when yur gone...ain't no sunshine when he's gone....it's not warm when he's away....ain't no sunshine when he's gone...and he's always gone to loooong...anytime....he goes away...sing wid me brutha's!...annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd....i know, i know, i know....


ok i just tried to call him no answe so hmm i am goint to try again later maybe the school has him stressed not sure i will keep tryin