Where r the dynos??


I want to have my busa tested. Im NYC, and dont know where to go. Im sure there are others who are in similar situations in other states. So if anyone of you speed demons can offer a good speed shop for us to test our busa, we can all post our results. I love this site! ;)
Copper take a ride up 84 to Waterbury, Ct.
There is a very good performance shop run by Freddie Klies - Eastern Cycle Performance.

Fred has spent considerable time with me tuneing the Hayabusa with the Yosh box and the Dynojet PCII is our next project. You will not have to pay for a tuners learning curve here, as the work has begun before you. It is a very hard thing to find someone capable to mess with fuel injection.

Eastern Cycle Performance - DynoJet Dyno
(203)756-7019 m-f and sat.

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 28 July 1999).]