Where the f is MSF?

I think we all prolly need to promise that kind of break from the board occasionally. Could be a good thing. Unfortunately I don't have a 7.50 truck to work on while I take off...   Guess I could play with the busa tho.  :cool:
Cool.... do I here the boards first promise of a 7 second Busa??
Better drop it off at Johnny's, along with a cheque for say about.... $30,000........ can't wait Pops. :tounge:
The only way I'll hit 7 seconds on the busa will be to run the 1/8th mile!  :laugh: I'd like to get a good Turbo put on 'er but it just ain't in the budget. For now I'll have to settle for sumthin' I can do myself... a nice "different" paint job that's not like everyone elses.  :cool:
I'd be willing to bet it will be killer comin from you, you know yer paint. :beerchug: :thumbsup:
Yeah, I have a few ideas. I just hope they look as good on the busa as they do in my head. Sometimes things just don't look right sprayed out. I'm workin' on gettin' a few busted parts to try some of my ideas out on and see what floats to the top.  :cool:
You mean if I actually rode it, right? :super: Maybe sayin' better to be safe than to waste good Zaino on a busa with ugly paint. :alcoholic:
Hey Bill,

I stopped by the other day but didn't see anyone around, I figured you'd still be workin on the truck :) I'll have to stop by again and check out your progress! :)