Someone else could better explain this, even though I now have a PC-2 insalled.
It is actualy a Power Commander-2 made by dynojet. It is basically a 'black-box' that plugs into the factory ECM and re-maps your fuel injection by interupting and changing the ECM signal. What is great about these is there are several maps to choose from, or you can create your own. You can also download different maps and install them into the pc-2. You can use a laptop or a LONG cable and they are easilly changed with no PERMANENT
changes to your ECM. A lot of people
will E-mail different maps to others. You select maps by changes you have made to your bike, air box modifications, and several different exhausts, etc. When you see a post for a particular map, that is the pc-2 they are talking about.
See, I told you that someone else could have better explained this.......