My bike came with a Micron 4-2-1 with polished steel can. I think the polished can looks good with the black bike. However the pipe has been leaking big time where the individual header pipes go into the collector. I thought the Pair blockoff would eliminate my backfiring but I was wrong. I don't want to tell you how long and how many tries it has taken for me to finally get it sealed, I'm still cranky about it. Also the steel canister is a fair amount heavier than the Ti Akrapovic canister I had on my previous bike.
The tone is good, I wouldn't mind if it were a bit quieter. I wanted an exhaust for the extra power and lower weight over the stock system.
I may buy a Mircon carbon canister to save a few pounds, anyone know how much lighter they are?
I if were buying new I'd choose between a Yosh tri-oval and an Akrapovic.
Here's a pic from the day I got the bike.