Which one is??? Shoei X-11 Or Arai RX-7

(hydrabusa @ Dec. 30 2006,00:28)
(goodluck @ Dec. 29 2006,23:07) get a shark i like it way better than the x 11 fit and noise and weight
Do you have one of these? cuz I've got one and? did not like it...it has too many vent(it is pretty cool in summer...)and it makes alot of noise...(I put a review here last summer, refer to old post...)
i got the rsi i liked the fit better than the rsr
I bought a Shoei in March... the 3rd version of the Diabolic.
I think the Arai is noisier, and I prefer the color schemes of the Shoei.
Most important is the way it fits and that depends on your melon.
Try before you buy.
X-11 here, and I LOVE it. Only complaint is the noise level...its a BIT noisy, but not to the point where I will wear ear plugs or anything. It flows alot of air, and even with all vents closed it can still get cold. I found that if you put the accessory that comes with it on (the one that blocks air from coming in under your chin) that GREATLY helps with the air flow, as well as the noise level. Only problem is that when you stop, the screen will fog some unless you crack the visor one click up.
If its under 60*s I will usually put that wind blocker on.

As far as fit...AWSOME. Very comfortable IMO. But this is my first full faced helmet, but I have tried on others while at the dealer....and X-11 > all the others I tried.
here is mine, i find most helmets loud to me. and i like the stereo on rides.
so here is my fix. it worked for me. it makes the helmet a bit harder to get on but does not affect the helmet on fit. also i  have to crack the shield in the cold, fogs easyer. for me the benfit is worth it
i have helmet speakers and you can hear them at a low level at 100+
i have both in the link but perfer the basic model
just my 2.5 cents


I use Shoei, but both are nice hemls. the shoie's just seem to fit mymellon best.
My thoughts...

1. Choosing the helmet that's best for you is so subjective that i've all but given up offering advice (as far as "brand/selection" goes) as one needs to realize that when they talk "Fit & Head Shape"?...it's all inclusive...and it doesn't just mean "Hat Size" or?..."Mellon Shape"...as it's all encompassing and even includes "Facial Configuration" and?..."Contact/Pressure Points"...and i've found that the helmets that fit me best and are most comfortable are those who's "Padding/Liner Makes The Most Contact Area While Exerting The Least Pressure" and..

2.? "FIT"..is everything....and finally?...

3. Realizing that the more light-weight and ventilated any given helmet is?...the louder it WILL be.

That said?...I prefer a helmet that is extremely windslick/areodynamic, light-weight and yeilds minimal to zero buffeting...even during "Head-Checks"....and i found that in my Shoei X-11...



However i also realize that a Shoei X-11 is NOT for everyone and that "Helmet/Fit Selection" is an extremely individualistic choice based on comprehensive and all inclusive fit and head shape.

Hope that helps and L8R, Bill.
(JINKSTER @ Dec. 31 2006,09:54) My thoughts...

1. Choosing the helmet that's best for you is so subjective that i've all but given up offering advice (as far as "brand/selection" goes) as one needs to realize that when they talk "Fit & Head Shape"?...it's all inclusive...and it doesn't just mean "Hat Size" or?..."Mellon Shape"...as it's all encompassing and even includes "Facial Configuration" and?..."Contact/Pressure Points"...and i've found that the helmets that fit me best and are most comfortable are those who's "Padding/Liner Makes The Most Contact Area While Exerting The Least Pressure" and..

2.? "FIT"..is everything....and finally?...

3. Realizing that the more light-weight and ventilated any given helmet is?...the louder it WILL be.

That said?...I prefer a helmet that is extremely windslick/areodynamic, light-weight and yeilds minimal to zero buffeting...even during "Head-Checks"....and i found that in my Shoei X-11...



However i also realize that a Shoei X-11 is NOT for everyone and that "Helmet/Fit Selection" is an extremely individualistic choice based on comprehensive and all inclusive fit and head shape.

Hope that helps and L8R, Bill.
Thanks alot Jink...
I really like your rearsets...I just happened to remember your post quite sometime ago...good to see you again...
I have (1) RX7 and (1) 1000, both are awesome helments, the shoei is quieter a lot quieter but the Arai fits much better! if I was to buy a third it would be another arai just becouse it fits my head that much better. no other reason..................... if the fit is good on both then go for graphic! the shoei seems to have better paint and cooler graphic I like getting limited editions so that I don;t find many.
Aria RX7 Double Eagle Eddy Roberts & the Shoei is the Jester.........
(SpeedAdict @ Dec. 29 2006,15:44) I tried botht the X-11 and the RF-1000 and you can save a hundred dollars by getting the 1000 which in my opinion is a far superior helmet all around (but made by the same company? go figure) Ny buddy has the Arai and I love that helmet to not any more than my 1000 but what sold me over the arai is the face shield with the vents in it is 60 bucks a pop if you want a different one and I wont buy helmet that have the sides of the shield covered because those little covers have broken on 2 of my helmets now. And my buddies arai broke there as well. Nothing against it but I just think those side covers are poorly designed and weak. My two cents is neither and get the Shoei RF-1000 or X-11 which ever you think is more comfy.
I agree 100%. I tried the X-11 and found that I liked the 1000 better. Plus it matched my bike
(SpeedAdict @ Dec. 29 2006,12:44) I tried botht the X-11 and the RF-1000 and you can save a hundred dollars by getting the 1000 which in my opinion is a far superior helmet all around (but made by the same company? go figure)
I'd be very interested to hear why you feel the RF-1000 is better in "any way" (other than cost) over the X-11.
X-11 is upgrade version of RF1000...How can be the older model is better? Of course, I heard 11 has more noisier than 1000 in order to make better airflow(more holes in the frame...) other than the cost, I don't see it...