Which year paint scheme...

I like the solid colors, use some pearls, or some metalflake maybe... Looks classy, and helps the bike stand out from the heard of Skittle colored, Teenage-mutant-Ninja-Power-Ranger looking bikes...

{ahem}Revlis is right 02SE with black powdercoated fairing fasteners - ooooh, aaaah...
Gotta love da RED! I'm Busared predudice!

I'm kinda likin' this paint set-up, with the tail and the falcon bill graphic matchin'... Maybe not silver and grey though. I have another color combo in mind that I think would look killer.

And just to prove that I wasn't tryin' to slide a scantily dressed girl in, I blurred out the bikini top. I already felt the pimp hand crashin' down on me one time. Not tryin' to get in trouble.  :biggrin:
dam, my bike made it here before i did........................
Yep, as I mentioned in your "new" thread, it's one of my favorite busas! That thang is just too schweeet! :super: