White House Rejects Petition to Deport Piers Morgan

thats the same garbage we have been hearing for years now. it just doesnt hold any water any longer and is a weak argument for civilians needing assault weapons.

over the past 200 years arms technologies have progressed beyond are wildest dreams of those who drafted and approved the bill of rights. furthermore, the language of the second amendment is so pathetically vague that it is open to literally any interpretation anyone wants to make. if one reads the amendment literally the 2nd ammendment guarantees every American the right to own several cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.....:whistle:

statistics from countries with effective gun control demonstrate that having more guns available to its citizens leads to more suicides, murders, and massacres like the ones we are seeing monthy now and the list of mass shootings grows yearly.

the document was written at the time of muskets for gods sake. a little common sense here huh?:whistle:

Could you please cite your sources? I am interested to see these statistics.

I wonder if there were muskets, and pistols were being used in crimes when the constitution was written. I think people were wanting to ban the Assault musket. It also makes me wonder if society has changed were people are not detoured from crimes.

Take the last shooting in California, kids were on the news saying he was picked on and was weird. "He was that kid that every one was kind of afraid of but they pick on anyway." Look at Columbine. The kids were picked on by the jocks. The "trench coat mafia" went after the jocks. Society has held that great Foot Ball players get away with things that the captain of the chess club would be expelled for. The school failed to recognize and correctly address the bullying problem.
Why are any U.S. citizens even talking about this guy? He's not a citizen here is he? I'm thinking not, so who cares? The less press he gets, the more his ratings drop and perhaps he can head on back across the pond...

Let him fade to black, and then his opinion = squat :2cents:

We're making him someone relevent...that's OUR mistake...
I'm really not sure how the 2nd Amendment can be considered vauge by anyone who reads it.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

"A well regulated Militia" - A well regulated military unit is a well disciplined, trained, and supplied unit prepared for battle.

"being necessary to the security of a free State" - Coupled with the first part of the sentance, this would indicate our founding fathers expected citizens to own weapons that would allow them to stand up and fight enemies both foreign or domestic as so many have sworn to do so. They knew that citizens would need more powerful weapons as the enemies gained more powerful weapons.

"the right of the people to keep and bear Arms" - Guarantees us our right as a citizen. So many people claiming priviledges as rights and granting them to foreigners saying that law abiding US citizens should be denied this guaranteed Constitutional right.

"shall not be infringed." - Pretty self-explanatory. The Constitution places no limits or bounds on this right. Limiting types of weapons or sizes of magazines is an infringement.

Where is there gray area here. Our Founding Fathers were far more inteligent than they are given credit for. If defending what they granted us makes me a scared, fanatical, homicidal, right wing, fanatical, lunatic, redneck. Then I guess that's what I must be since I stand behind the Constitution as it was written, not how the liberals want it "interpreted".
Agree but he is being investigated for hacking peoples phones and other crimes back in the UK, why did they let him in this country in the first place?
Agree but he is being investigated for hacking peoples phones and other crimes back in the UK, why did they let him in this country in the first place?

Why do we let everyone in the world in?? That's another topic entirely :banghead:
People are flawed, hence society is flawed and therefore governments are flawed. The founding fathers understood this, they knew from history the natural progression of power, politics and greed. The Second Amendment protects the First Amendment... Without it we are all hens waiting to be plucked of our self-evident rights that were endowed upon us by our creator. Liberty and the ability to defend ourselves against enemies foreign and domestic.

I don't even know who Piers Morgan is ?!?!?
And to opine that the founders couldn't see into the future is absurd. They knew with all certainty that regimes such as the Nazi's, Khmer Rouge, and many other repressive regimes would come to fruition. The only reason people in the US don't think horrors like this are posible here is because the founders put in writing all the things we (Americans) believe so deeply in and sometimes seemingly take for granted. And to question their unaimous wisdom as it pertains to the 2nd amendment is folly.
and can you believe that a person that is "so intelligent" as Morgan...cannot imagine that even the mighty us government could turn corrupt and heckles in his interviews...seriously....doesnt this man think the united states is capable of repeating history?? and personaly...if you want any example in the us government of tyranny....its two words...EXECUTIVE ORDER. no where did our founding fathers put in the constitution or bill of rights or amendments that have been ratified, that a president gets to spit out law!!! (or orders that apply to others than in the military)