White Smoke coming from radiator


First of all hello all of you. I am from Barcelona and sorry for my English because I am not so good. But I will try to do my best. It is long time I am looking at this organization but It is my firs contact due to a question. The bike is only two weeks and today is the first day I was driving with rain. When I stoped the bike at work a white smoke was coming from front wheel area. Looking from more near the smoke was coming from radiator and some strange smell. I do not know if this is normal. Some of you have a similar experience?
I have to be worried... or is just normal. My past bike was a GoldWing and I have never see such a this problem.
If somebody can help my I will be very happy.
P.D. Please use a simple English because in some post I can not understand 100% all information.
Best regards from Barcelona,
Just a guess as I do not ride in the rain---Steam coming from the rain hitting the oil cooler. Oil generally runs a little hotter than the radiator so I would guess that it is a normal occurance and nothing to worry about.
Probably rain hitting the exhaust pipe. The bike has lots of funny smells when new. Check for leaks under the bike. If nothing don't worry about it.

Welcome to Hayabusa.Org. I hear Barcelona is a pretty city with many pretty ladies.
Don't worry about front smoke/steam.That is the water from the rain hitting the hot pipes and radiator.I have been riding to work everyday in the Rain in San Jose California and the rainy season seems to be over so no more steam coming up.Only other time I see smoke is when I do an oil change and some of the oil spills onto the pipes when I remove the oil filter or when I clean my chain with WD40 and the oil from the chain will drip on the rear pipe collector unit.Good Luck and Ride safe.
Try this and it'll prove to u where the smokes coming from ... spray some low pressured water from about a meter away at the radiator dish (otherwise u might damage the fins). Start the engine and warm-up the bike .... the water starts to evapourate into steam ... the underside of the windshield starts to fog up ..... its just steam rising!!! Don't worry and just enjoy your bike!
However if u want to be sure, suggest u do a check on the brake disks and coolant level. Brake pads are new and might be too tight causing smoke and brake disks turning purple. Check the coolant level from time to time to be sure the radiator dish is not leaking coolant due to damage from flying bits of stones from roads. Causes steam too from the leakage.
