Whitele home ok

Peter, now I know where the oil smell was coming from, the oil filter was barely hand tight.

While the oil is draining, time to take the front nose fairing off...
Here you can see the time delay relay which I installed previously while waiting for peter to send me the HID's and new fairing.

Getting closer, just need to put the finishing touches on it, mirrors, windscreen, Seat (battery tender just topping off).

Ok, I'm done for now. Going in to eat some Chocolate (Thanks Peter for the Candy, I had to fight Monica for it...)

So, when it's said and done and if I remember correctly,
- left mirror
- left bar end
- left bolt-on exhaust
- left stator cover and gasket
- Clutch Lever
- nose fairing

- HID's
- Time Delay Relay for the HID low beam
- Oil and Filter Change
- replaced missing bolts and rivets

Ez-out one of the left fairing bolts.

Washed, check air pressure, and Lubed the Chain. (sorry, I'm not going to polish the rims...)

Sitting on battery tender for the weather to warm up to take her for a little ride.

It was good to see you and drop the bike off to you. I hope you enjoy and ride safely. I will post some pictures of the drop off.

Ted - I owe you tons. Thanks! I hope I never have to return the favor, but I'm there if I need to!

You are awesome! :beerchug:

PS - made a trip to Raleigh at 6PM. It was cool but bike ran great! It's nice to be back in the saddle..... :thumbsup:
I am so proud to have been able to be part, in some small way, of this event.

Words escape me.

That the nose-fairing I sent will be slicing the wind for you is the source of enormous pride for me.

This is the fabric from which this forum/site was cut.

You guys rock and this thread is the cherry on my absolutely spectacular day. Thank you for sharing.
A couple of pictures from my trip to Durham to drop of Peter's bike. I think he forgot what it looked like. It didn't take him long to get back on it, that's for sure...
