Who is/was in the USN, what didja do?


I fly F/A-18c's out of Lemoore CA. I agree with you, the only way I was going to do the navy thing was by flying.

By the way the busa will kick the hornets *** anywhere up to 100mph. Most motorcycles will. After 100 the hornet will start to kick on the speed.
ET-2 worked on Spa 25,Spa66,WLR-1,SPS-10,40 also worked on Crypto equipment,test equipment,you name it I worked on it old radio R1051 align the IF strip.Selected for Officers school and went in front of the board and told the wrong answer when asked why I wanted to be an Officer,My answer was that I really wanted to be an AirForce Pilot since I was selected for that when I was in High School"Wrong Answer" to give a Panel of High Ranking Officers.Went to Seal Intro and walked out after they ask if there were any question and I asked what is the return rate of Navy Seals coming back from Nam and was told it was 1%,bad odds and I want to live.I'm not sure if the officer was kidding but better to be safe than 6ft under.
Been overseas and was about to Rocket/gun the Coast of Viet Nam when called back to USA since we were been run over in Saigon.Ship DDG36 John S. McCain,converted DD36.Five inch 54 front and aft,port and star torpedo launch tubs,forward ASROCK launcher,Rear Tardar missile system,Helo Deck,DESRON 21 group.Home port 32ST San Diego,over seas Subic Bay.Earned Expert Pistol,good conduct medal.Been to Electronic schools in San Diego and San Francisco Treasure Island.Been back to Navy bases all over the world Far East after I got out installing HiTech equipment for my company.Forgot to mention I met Admrial Zumwalt since I was the Minority Schools Command Non Commision Officer at Schools Command Treasure Island.I guess some of you will remember the Z-grams,also I was a ETR-2 but also worked on comms equipment,you had ETR's and ETN's and CT's.Sorry for the spelling,it's a Hawaiian thing.

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 22 June 2000).]
Cisco, ah, the good ole R1051---what a ***** to line up!!! My favorite was the URT-23 HF transmitter, dude I'd spend HOURS lining up one for MARs calls from the Lebanon coast, sometimes I'd get 'em up to 3KW(rated 2.5), tubes hottern hell but damn good calls. Whole crew loved the twidget(me). Sr. chief used to ***** me out about how many tubes I was killing, I said solly gotta have it for MARs.
My nec's were KWR-37 and KG-14, also illegally worked on KW-7, KG-36, and KY-8 when 'mates were in trouble. Did a lil sps10/40 not much.

I really hate to admit to this, but I was a Navy Nuc on the USS Longbeach CGN-9. 6 years hated every minute of it.
et mm bt what? Hey, she was a classic I always heard, wasnt she the 1st cg?

cgn i meant.

[This message has been edited by 'lantabusa (edited 22 June 2000).]
Sorry about that...I was an ET Nuc and yes the PIG-9 I me the Longbeach was the first nuclear CGN. Kind of an odd-ball, Cruiser design with a Carrier box on top. The funny part is that I now work with a guy that used to work at the shipyards, he helped turn it into razor blades.
server 6 long years in the navy, aviator, flew t-28's, t-2's, a-4's, ec-130's vq pax river while there got about 300 hrs a-7's. was happy to get out at the end but had alot of fun in the beginning. flying 727 captain now in atlanta, not alot of fun but the money is much better than the navy. peace
I was a comm ET2 on LPD 12 USS Shreveport Nofukk Vagina.
Worked in Radio Central, mostly crypto crap.
Got out '86. FTN, never again!!! :)
I was an ET2 on the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) for 4 hateful years, 8 years total in the Navy. Comms, OEC-Div, flight deck comm. Got out in '96. I ride a '00 Blu Busa now.
GMT2/GMM2 ASROC missile system work center supervisor for ASROC and Torpedo systems.Qualified expert on .45 and M14 Qualified .50 cal BMG and M60(my favorite).Sonar supervisor for AN SQS 26AXR sonar system.Stationed onboard USS Schofield FFG 3 out of San Diego,Ca. for four years.
Did drug interdiction in Panama and blew up some Iranian oil wells in the Persian Gulf in '87.I hate the Gulf.General Quarters at any moment(usually just after you get in your rack and get to sleep).We almost shot down a Brit helo that had a faulty IFF transponder.Not the the best way to go puttin around in that neighborhood.We had already been fired at by Chinese made Iranian silkworm missiles,so we were just a BIT jumpy.Had been around the world twice by the time I was 23 yrs. old.Not everyine can say that.Sucked at the time ,but I value what we have over here more because of it.


[This message has been edited by BUSA00021 (edited 23 June 2000).]
Got you all beat, OS2 USS Dewey DDG-45 out of Charleston, SC. Stationed at Dam Neck, VA for (2) years as well. Talk about a skate rate to be in. All we did in port was clean bright-work. It was a hussle underway tho. Had a nice experience while in and glad I went that route. Did not pay enough and got tired of playing "the game". Hurry up and wait . . . .

Michael Lee
taps, taps, lights out.
USNA Class of '84, I had some strange childhood idea that I wanted to be a Nuke. Majored in Marine Engineering (power plants) and got my *** kicked. Left Annapolis after 2 1/2 years, in early 83. Finished a Physics degree (had to do something easier) in 87. Thought about going Navy again after graduating, and decided not to. I must have learned something.

[This message has been edited by Mr Bear (edited 22 June 2000).]
Bear, I've seen all this stuff bout you in the Olympics, what did you do, please?

gee pwr guess everyone else underwent hypnosis to forget their wonderful experience? :)
buzz, read your profile, COOL!!! I had the scores but not the vision, and didn't care to be an O if I couldnt fly, wanted education in tech more---what model do you putt around the skies in?

p.s. I'll race ya title for title in the 1/8 I dont care if it's a 14!!!

Oh yeah catapult is cheating...

:) :)

[This message has been edited by 'lantabusa (edited 22 June 2000).]
It actually takes about 160-170 kts to get airborne in the hornet which equates to about 176-187 mph. I have never timed a land take off (the cat puts you up there in 2 seconds) though our takeoff time would probably be the same as an eagle. The acceleration on land is not linear. It takes a while to get some speed going, but once you got air rushing through the jets the speed picks up pretty quick.
As for distance it takes around 3 thousand feet to get airborne.
Now for my disclamer. These figures vary tremendously on temp/humidity/altitude and gross weight. We can vary the takeoff weight anywhere between around 30,000lbs and 54,900 lbs. At the higher wieghts the speeds and distances are pretty big.