Who is/was in the USN, what didja do?

Would it be possible for you to do a 'quarter-mile time' on your next land take-off? That would be very interesting to know. I always hear from drag-racers (cars) that they could beat a fighter jet from a standing start. Do you typically 'launch' by holding the brakes, maxing out the engines, then releasing the brakes? I'm actually in the Air Force, but I unfortunately don't get to fly.

BirdofPrey.One question.Did the shirt still fit when you burned it,or did it shrink alot?
My experience of lifers is that the longer you stay in,the wider your hull gets.
I say this in jest,but hey it's just my observation.I still have a few buddies that are in,and I respect the H*** out of them.But ,they are twidgets everyone and most of them were also pushbutton PO3's.
In all seriousness,Thanks for puttin' up with all the drudgery and mass conflags so the rest of us can enjoy our highly protected and naive(as a nation)lives.
Im not flying for the next few weeks because I am on a 3 week busa trip/vacation. I'll try to remember to time a takeoff sometime.

As I was telling cisco, most any high performance bike, especially the busa, could beat a jet from a start.

We don't hold the brakes on start. If you did you would have 2 black streaks for about 20ft and then 2 ruts in the ground from the wheels with no rubber.
BUSA00021...been there..done that. I would say that was the one thing I did enjoy. Did two West Pacs and went to Philippines, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Tasmania, Australia, Alaska, Hawaii...I think that was it. The women in Australia and Tasmania really really like American men. Same goes for Germany, went there after I got out of college. One of my first assignments on my new job.
I gotta agree with BUSA00021. Pataya Beach was the best. I was on det. there for 4 weeks straight when I was with SBU-11 (Special Boat Unit - 11, River Rats)! I never thought I'd get tired of screwing! Good times though.
always envied you west-pac'ers! Heard some WILD stories about Alongapo(sp?) City.
What a bunch of twiggets. I have been in since 76 and still keeping the torch lit or putting it out as a Damage Controlman/Hull Tech. Tours include 12 Wes pacs, 1 overseas tour in Holy Loch. Been there done that bought the T-shirt and burned it. Any questions!!!!
Bird of Prey
When I left my ship in Long Beach since we where there for a overhall,I got four Bells and Cisco is now departing,I also got to drive on the dock up to my ship with my 66VW filed with my seabag and surfboard and watched my mates go to quarters for the last time and they all mooned me goodbye,Best laugh I ever had never forget that.Got discharge at Treasure Island 75 since I was going to start school ad DeAnza College,home of the Great Olympic Greats,Spitts,Powell and the rest of the gang from the Santa Clara area.Was nice to meet Arnold Swartsnagger before he became famous at my friends body building photo studio Russ Warners in San Jose.
Cisco, I was in drydock when I got out, too. Brooklyn Navy Yard is arguably the most miserable place on EARTH. Man, they berthed us in this crappy barge on which there was
a)no hot water
b)not enough cold water and 500 degree hot water
c)120 degrees in berthing
d)25 degrees in berthing
e)food SUKKED always
f)life in danger if you left the base, 2 mile walk thru a BAD hood to subway
g)went and got my RX7 only to find out upon return they had no more avail. parking
h)car got totally vandalised in 'secure' parking area off base, total loss let junkyard have it.
Talk about sukkin! Worst winter of my life, including the one in great lakes A school, wind chill of -70 or so.

Mooned ya off, eh? You had to have been cracking up.

dear Mike;

"reveile reveile! All hands heave out and trice up! All OS(oystershit) slack asses go clean the head and cook breakfast before the ETs get up! The smoking lamp is lighted for all you stoners! Now reveile!

How the hell do you spell revelie???

For real, good memories---the Nav gave me an electronics education unsurpassed by ANY trade school.

Best ho's? Hayfai, Israel. 2nd, Rota, Spain.

Hey buzzlatka,

I've always been wondering, how quickly will an F-18 (on full burner, no catapult assist) cover the quarter mile? I've seen F-15's takeoff and lift into the air after about 10 seconds or so, but I couldn't estimate the distance that was covered. I'm not a pilot, but considering their wing aspect ratios, they would probably have to be running 130-140 mph before they can lift into the air (I've heard that carriers will catapult the jets to around 150 mph). Any thoughts?

Best Ho's? O.K. The Baby A GO-GO in Pataya Beach,Thailand.They danced on a stage in bikinis with number tags on them.My three added up to 147(tag #'s)Three Asian women one 22 yr old kid from Texas(YEEHAW)All nighter for 600 Baht($24.00)You had to have your own hotel room.Then,The Blue Goose in
Rodman,Panama WHEW!
I've sinned with the best of them.Kinda glad I got it out of my system before all the AIDS stuff started getting serious.Got too much to lose by messin around now.Good thing I'm content with my life.


[This message has been edited by BUSA00021 (edited 23 June 2000).]

[This message has been edited by BUSA00021 (edited 23 June 2000).]
busa0021 You know what you do with that shirt it goes in the **** can with all the other BS stuff. Yes I have got a little bigger than I was when I was 17 but don't we all? But I am the same *** kicker, get there brain out of their boot, old navy which I am very proud of when someone calls me that Damage Controlman. Thanks for the kind comment someone has to do it. These kids now adays don't have a clue or guidance. What I am trying to say is that you need me on that bridge, Heartbreak Ridge, Learn or burn!!! Get my drift
Bird of Prey
Joined July 7, 1978 and still going. Master Chief Firecontrolman, gunnery type. Did my last sea tour shooting my beloved 5" guns at "go fast" drug runners loaded down with barrels of cocaine while we were chasing at 32 knots. What a blast! Just submitted my fleet reserve request, I've had enough. Gotta find out if I can live with the big paychecks as a civilian.
Lifers keep it working. I was a pushbutton, didnt know diddly when I got onboard, my 1st Sr. Chief was so salty he didn't put it on his food, man had 25 in then. Taught me everything that my LT(Warrant O, ex MASTER Chief ET) didn't. Especially in the Ops gang where pushbuttons are frequent, the lifers are invaluable. Thanks to dudes like Prey.

HAHAHA 20 ft. of rubber then ruts in the runway.
Sorry 'Lanta, haven't revisited this thread since my previous post. I was on the Track and Field Team in '92 and '96, made finals in the 50 Km. Racewalk. I was a distance runner in college (4:23 miler, 2:37 marathon). I did my Physics degree at an NAIA school, post-Annapolis, made the Track team there as a walk-on, and then got forced into the Racewalk by the coach. His hunch was right, I was good at it.

I didn't really have my day in either Barcelona or Atlanta, and hoped to hang in there for Sydney...hoping the third time would be a charm. But I finally got sick of being broke, being frustrated, being injured, and moved on. It was just something to do, as it turned out, instead of serving in Rickover's Navy.
I'm curious to know what you encountered when you transitioned into the real world. I assume you're in the telecomm arena. I see that most telecommm vacancy announcements are looking for techies with specific commercial telecomm equipment groups. How did you overcome that? What type of training opportunities do they offer to convert your Navy tech training and experience into real world commercial telecomm hardware?
From what I've seen, the Atlanta area seems to be a rapidly growing environment for telecomm/telephony job seekers, true?