Who Remembers?


My ride yesterday got me to thinking about my Dad. I thought the world of him, and always wanted to be just like him. He gave me my first bike for my 5th birthday; 33 years ago. I've rode all kinds of bikes on all kinds of roads. Road across the U.S., Canada, and England. I hold alot of precious memories in my mind. But the one memory I hold in my heart, is the day my Dad waved me past him on the interstate to take the lead. As I creeped by him on his left, he gave me a "Thumbs Up" and a big smile. I've never felt more like a "Man" as I did that day. That was the day my Dad told me he would follow me. We lost him two weeks later.
I'm just wondering what your best memory might be.
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1st solo flight 1953 13yrs old, Finished restoring 2 Vincent black shadows. 10 yrs work,
lotta $, then there was this 18 yr old girl in 1958:whistle: as for my dad, my mother
said when I was taking my first steps, he threw a book and knocked me over.
it got worse and worse. no fond memories of him.
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My dad gave me a brand new rm50 for my tenth birthday been riding ever since 30 years worth.
There are so many good memories of my dad, but the one that stands out the most is the night of my 30th birthday party. We walked out to my 'Busa and as he gave me a hug he told me he wants to see me around for a lot more birthdays. He knows that I love to ride and will sometimes push it to get the adrenaline rush I used to get when I played football. This is the reason that he would never ask me to give up riding, because me being able to play ball was taken away from me by a distracted driver. He doesn't ride much with anymore, but when we do get to ride together it is such a blast.
Mine was when my Dad took me out for Pancakes at the Sheraton Hotel every Sunday Morning before Sunday School. Especially since it was just him and me, Mom and my sister weren't allowed to come :laugh:

Those were the Best Pancakes and melted Butter I've ever had. Just Him and Me :thumbsup:
thats a nice story man! i dont have any such memories (wish i did) but me and my dad have a tight respect for one another and that respect i carry on to myself and others.may your dad RIP
I have much respect for my dad. That is why I choose to ride hard when it is safe as possible. If I want to do a little top speed running I go out to Sun Valley parkway. Before I head out there I call and let him know that I am going to do it and that I will give him a call when I get to the other end. He does voice his opinion on me doing this, but he does understand that there isn't a whole lot of traffic out there and that I will not go further then what my abilities will allow me to do.
I was 12..Dad took me down stairs at the Police Station house shooting range and gave me my first shooting lesson. Colt Diamondback .38 spl revolver, his service revolver. I have it in my safe today.
The greatest memory of my father was the day my wife had our first child & my dad was sitting in her room with us and out of no where he started crying. He told me besides his own children being born that was the Happiest Day in his life. He told my Wife & I that he was proud & honored to be "Our" father. He had the luxury of living with me for the birth of my 3 children & He was the best Grandpa that ever lived . He passed about 3 yrs ago & there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for giving me such a loving father. We miss him everyday!!