Who Rode Today?

I have never encountered half of those in the wild kiwi, now....... those damn lovebugs are out of control right now. :banghead: :banghead: What pain in the rear they are. I don’t even bother riding right now. If you spend an hour Out on backroads, you’ll need 3 hours detailing the bike, helmet, gloves and washing your textile jacket.

Just watched that vid . . . holy sheeeeeite!!
those bugs are really nasty, acidic body fluids and almost impossible to remove without a lot of hard scrubbing!
I'm feelin ya pain Miguel!
Just watched that vid . . . holy sheeeeeite!!
those bugs are really nasty, acidic body fluids and almost impossible to remove without a lot of hard scrubbing!
I'm feelin ya pain Miguel!
A lot of kids, my niece included (and adults too) have panic attacks when the swarms come through. Going through the Everglades, people have to pull over every so often and clean their windshields by hand to get some of that nasty crap off to be able to see. This years has been the worst I’ve personally seen in the 15 years I’ve been in Florida. The little suckers come out twice a year too.
A lot of kids, my niece included (and adults too) have panic attacks when the swarms come through. Going through the Everglades, people have to pull over every so often and clean their windshields by hand to get some of that nasty crap off to be able to see. This years has been the worst I’ve personally seen in the 15 years I’ve been in Florida. The little suckers come out twice a year too.
Imagine how the Egyptians felt when the plagues hit Egypt one after the other . . . after Moses said "Pharoah, let my people go!" .......Must've been worse than 'Lovebugs' huh?
Ha i just got back at 10.30am from the Peninsula..1 layer of thermals.
Brave man Nath, it was frickin cold out there!
Here's a few pics fron the Classic car show that was on at the Little River pub . . .














Went out for a ride today, it was a beautiful day...

I was tooling down a country road and came up on an HD.

I recognised the rider as a person I used to serve with but he didn't recognise me.
When behind him, I could hear him running through the gears trying to lose me (which is laughable at best, I don't think I went over 4 grand on the tach).

I sidled along behind mostly to annoy him...

He finally went into a gas station and I pulled up beside him and lifted my shield...as soon as he saw me he swore at me and said he didn't know who in the heck was dogging him.

I asked him "did you honestly think you were going to lose me when I'm riding a bike like this"? He asked me why and old, brittle f**ker like me was riding a bike like that to begin with..

After a few minutes of joyful swearing and cavorting, off he went in a swirl of noise and dust...and I went on my way back on the country road towards home...
riding with a work group and really having a good time. HDs canals but it's been fun. seeing so really awesome new roads too. Guess you never know!
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Were you riding the Beemer Arch?
Is that it 2nd from the right in the pic of all the bikes parked up?
Looks like a great day!
I spent the day in the garage with my riding buddy doing fork seals and oil on his GSXR1000K6 forks.
Then I cleaned my chain so brutally it cried lol.
Came up like a brand new chain and it has 18,000kms on it.
Nice . . . :thumbsup:
Were you riding the Beemer Arch?
Is that it 2nd from the right in the pic of all the bikes parked up?
Looks like a great day!
I spent the day in the garage with my riding buddy doing fork seals and oil on his GSXR1000K6 forks.
Then I cleaned my chain so brutally it cried lol.
Came up like a brand new chain and it has 18,000kms on it.
Nice . . . :thumbsup:
Yes that's the Beemer. That bike looks huge in all company!
Lol ! It IS huge!!
We have one at work and I've had the pleasure of having to push it in and out of the workshop some days, easily as heavy as a full blown HD.
I wish they'd hurry up and sell it lol.
Well it's actually fairly light for this class of bike at 750 lbs. But it has a very high CG so it feels cumbersome without the motor to help push it around. Interestingly it actually has a reverse on it!