Who Rode Today?

Great pics of a great bike in a great country! Austrarlia . . . nice looking day out there, warmer than here in NZ, we had 12 deg from midday to 2pm, then cooled off.
I got a 180km ride in though, too cold to go above 180kmh lol.

I was just having a second look at your pics.
So many paint jobs just look a bit odd or not to my taste, but yours just looks right. I love it, really suits the bike. Similar colours to the last of the GSX1400’s here, but a better bike and design. Very nice!
How is the wind protection on the H2 compared to the Busa?

The SX SE screen is a bit taller than the Busa but seems to work well.
To be honest it’s a long time since I had my 2 faired Busa’s, but the difference between a stock Busa screen and a double bubble, this is similar to the Busa double bubble for me.

The bars are a bit low for me, similar to a stock Busa (I traded one of my Busa’s for a B-King and fitted higher bars to the other) however there are a couple of options on the market to raise the Kwaks bars. I’m not going to rush into it, I’ll put plenty of miles in before I decide.
I've just returned from a scoot...found a feller on an all stock '99 copper Busa...what a beauty and it's really fast.

He went by on the back roads (going the other way) and I thought "what a nice bike" later I was riding finishing my ride and going to get gas when I see the '99 sitting at the coffee shop. I stopped in and talked Busa with a perfect stranger..it was great.

We left together and he playfully left me in the dust.

Another Busa in my area....I'm giddy.....
Didn't stray too far from home but I did get out on the old Kat today.


It does. Also the nice thing about a small town I can get in and out of the County Clerk (same as DMV) really fast. It is in that main building on the corner.

You just don't want to speed in this county. There is the sheriff, city police, and state troopers.
...and they are probably related and talk like Sherriff Buford T Justice...