Who Rode Today?

Rode 140 miles today.......saw quite a few bikes and the cage traffic was higher than I thought it would be considering I was in the boonies,,,,,,,guess cabin fever is setting in already.

For many of us it’s still winter and the doldrums or PMS, Parked Motorcycle Symdrome regardless of Covid-19. Rained and hailed today but within a week it’s supposed to be 70 and the roads around here are never crowded. Summer is coming and I’m optimistic...as long as I don’t get sick. :confused: :D
:confused: :redface: If I get seen by the cops riding my bike, they have the powers to arrest me and confiscate the bike indefinitely.
We are effectively under house arrest here, only allowed to walk around the block or drive to the nearest supermarket or pharmacy.
I’m in a small town 30 miles from the city so I cannot go to the city at all.
No riding for me :banghead:
We had someone message the Michigan state police yesterday and ask them and they said add long as we maintain the 6 foot rule we could then today they posted a video of the governor saying going fir a ride on a bike or in there car was against the regulations so at this point with the roads having minimum traffic im flipping my plate up under there tail and if they catch me they can ticket me.
We had someone message the Michigan state police yesterday and ask them and they said add long as we maintain the 6 foot rule we could then today they posted a video of the governor saying going fir a ride on a bike or in there car was against the regulations so at this point with the roads having minimum traffic im flipping my plate up under there tail and if they catch me they can ticket me.
Mate, they won't just ticket you . . . they will arrest you.
Getting into a chase with the cops at anytime is a bad idea . . but with these regulations in place, a very foolish idea.
Please don't make foolish decisions. :confused:
Mate, they won't just ticket you . . . they will arrest you.
Getting into a chase with the cops at anytime is a bad idea . . but with these regulations in place, a very foolish idea.
Please don't make foolish decisions. :confused:
Hi. I am in essential services I have a pass I can go anywhere any time. Well looks like I am on the front line again. I have moved to my summer home so I can not infect any one I live with. It is my tent 1 1/2 miles in the woods.
Been riding a lot since the social isolation started. Working at home I can ride for lunch or hit it right at 5:00! I must admit, I have been loving the BMW. The handling is crazy and the motor gets better as you break it in. Things seem sort of normal out there but there is a tension in the air that is palpable. Some guy was looking at me like I was crazy when I pulled a rubber glove out of my pocket so I wouldn't have to touch the pump nozzle, lol! I also rode today with the Glock. I think scared, desperate people are far more dangerous than a virus. The gun does put a damper on the spirited riding though. After all a brother must avoid all contact with the law when armed.
Saturday was Busa day. Temps were 77 degrees and it actually felt that hot! So I rode out to the "Superbike Highway" as we call it. It's not the road it used to be. It was a logging road that connected 2 state routes. It was super curvy and looked like a track. Anyway, civilization is encroaching on it and it's not near as safe/fun as it was. Still awesome to be back on the Busa. The engine is so amazing, especially after a few runs on the BMW. Bike really needs to be on a track now, it's capabilities are really way up there as far as braking and turning and it just isn't challenged on the streets.

Lost a second F'n GoPro 8! That's $800 laying in the road somewhere. There is something wrong with the mount. In both cases the mount is there and part of the camera mount so they are breaking off at the camera. This second one could possibly have grounded though, was trying to make some interesting footage.
Saturday was Busa day. Temps were 77 degrees and it actually felt that hot! So I rode out to the "Superbike Highway" as we call it. It's not the road it used to be. It was a logging road that connected 2 state routes. It was super curvy and looked like a track. Anyway, civilization is encroaching on it and it's not near as safe/fun as it was. Still awesome to be back on the Busa. The engine is so amazing, especially after a few runs on the BMW. Bike really needs to be on a track now, it's capabilities are really way up there as far as braking and turning and it just isn't challenged on the streets.

Lost a second F'n GoPro 8! That's $800 laying in the road somewhere. There is something wrong with the mount. In both cases the mount is there and part of the camera mount so they are breaking off at the camera. This second one could possibly have grounded though, was trying to make some interesting footage.
Use a tether brother .