Who would be interested in brake line group buy?

I'm looking for lines...as long as we get to choose colors for lines and fittings.
Transparent Carbo-look PVC covers and Gold fittings! sign me up when this GB goes live!
ok guys lets do it. shoot me a pm and let me know what colors you want the lines and ends and what year bike. it doesn't have to be for a busa.
They are the same as Spiegler and Galfer. We have been importing these lines for years with great results. Life time warranty speaks for itself.:beerchug: I will put it up in the group buy section now.:thumbsup:
When should we expect to see the lines at our door steps?
I need a response also to my inquiry. No order confirmation received here.
I got my brake lines . Will try to get them on te bike this weekend. Thanks Charles.
I am down for a future group buy, I currently have the HEL kit on my bike now. How can I take advantage of the Lifetime warranty?
is the clutch line available in carbo/smoke with black banjo/bolt?

I would like to reply and say "YES" since this is the glorious combo that I ordered. Also, I would like to say that it looks sweeeeet in person.