Who would be interested?

Count me in for two Captain, I like the idea of a black shirt with the Hayabusa/Flag design on the back...
Count me in Cap!
Well Capt, you know that I'm at least good for two or three.  Sounds like a plan...GO FOR IT!!!

is the one I was takin about..
If this is the new image then, I'm definitely in. This one has more detail than the last one I ordered. Don't get me wrong, I love the shirt and the design that I ordered, but I'm partial to the more detailed stuff.
is the one I was takin about..
If this is the new image then, I'm definitely in. This one has more detail than the last one I ordered. Don't get me wrong, I love the shirt and the design that I ordered, but I'm partial to the more detailed stuff.
Me, too! That .org image with the flag banner below it where the Hayabusa.org text is would be awesome!

Captain, you gonna do both long and short sleeve? I'd be in for at least two of each. Prolly more...

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I'm in for a few...any chance of doing some kids sizes? My little guy and gal would love to sport the colors!!
The problem with kids sizes is the demand to keep all the sizes in stock gets pretty expensive.. Depening on how old you are talking the small adult fits older kids really well. My 9 yr old wears his adult small everywhere....
I understand, Cap...my little ones are 4 and 5, but I'm in for a couple xxls and a couple smalls.
I'm game for the new idea...I'd love one...love to buy my brother-in-law one for when he returns from Iraq! He's become quite a Busa fan since I bought mine!

Good idea captain...
I'm good for another shirt & some of those other items you said we would be seeing soon (coffee cups, etc.)....