Who's Got Tattoo's

Here's 1 of mine.

You should see all of Kevin Kesler's! He's a tattoo freak!  
I try to keep them hidden, but here you go.

hmm...you seem to hide your weight well in the previous pics.
That's what I was thinking!
Spicy, Playing in a southern rock band as I do, Jamie our lead vocalist has tried to get me to do the eyeliner thing....he done it and it looks pretty good. Just not sure I want something permnament on my face.........lol
one of mine the arm band, sorry the only one i have is from my pre op last week i got 5 more i just need to take the pics, and this one needs filled again crapy pic now that i see it i got better pics comming

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this is a cover up froma skull, still some bruising from surgery

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then thers the ones i did with a safety pin and india ink while drinking with buddies who were convinced they were artists..lol

lots of filling and cover ups to do still on the rest, i took a break and got a little crazy with the peircing thing. nipples tounge, blah blah blah. really digging that big tribal.

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Nice tats...

I've got one on my ankle...just a parrot sitting on a banana leaf strumming the guitar while wearing flip flops...Jimmy Buffett's signature under it...true sign of a nut case or just another Parrot Head
I have 5 right now, but im getting a full triibal for a cover up one on my back that will wrap around my sides and shoulders. Ill post pics when I get off of work..
If you haven't had the underside of your arm, right up to your armpit done, I highly recommend it. If feels great. Cant wait to get the color added to this part!

If you haven't had the underside of your arm, right up to your armpit done, I highly recommend it.  If feels great.  Cant wait to get the color added to this part!
Ooooh....Ooooh....I'm next...

FL...you're friggen nuts man
I can only imagine how "great" that must have felt.