Why all or nothing ?


Hey, we have main boards for "General Discussion, Mods+Aftermarket, Defects, & Insurance". How about another main board called something like "Exhaust Flames".

When a topic/thread was deemed by BigDog as getting too inflammatory, he could move it to "Exhaust Flames". That's also where the ZX-12 threads would be started. Users like FalconCop and Toobad would only be allowed to post there. Parents with young kids would know not to scan topics in the Exhaust Flame" area while the little ones were looking over their shoulders. It would be a safe haven area for users to vent/flame as needed. Users who never have the need to vent (maybe those in SanDiego, where it never rains and is always 70 degrees) don't have to go there. The rest of us who are having women problems, insurance problems, mechanical problems, rain/weather problems or are just always mean and ornery could go there, toast away and be done with it. Those who find it "good sporting fun" would also enjoy.

Just a thought.....

[This message has been edited by Turbo (edited 11 October 1999).]