Why Why why................................ Why do we park on a driveway but drive on the parkway.... why are cigarettes in the front area of the pharmacy but sick people have to walk to the rear of the store to get medication????
Why did you feel as you needed to post a video over 5 minutes passing cars illegally when the video could have been edited to 45 seconds?
Have you ever had a spiteful person open the car door while your going up the middle between cars?
Oooops I dropped something out of my window I was just opening the door to pick it up as you get catapulted over a car door..
legal yes in Cali but unless traffic is at a dead stop id think twice before doing that myself.
just too many people text messaging these days on the highway and not paying attention to where they are in their lane. its dangerous enough out there on the highway even in light traffic and people tend to panic when they hear a motorcycle near their vehicle that they dont see clealy from a distance. most people just dont expect a motorcyle to be traveling within the lane. its a crap shoot as to whether they will panic and turn left, right or suddendly brake hard.
it has its place during a traffic jam where traffic is backed up for a great distance but aside from that I think ur putting my life in the hands of some teenage chic on her phone who is an inexperienced driver or a drunk or someone who doesnt see or even hear very well. all to save a few minutes in ur commute is hardly worth it imo.
you were certainly traveling slow and relatively safe tho.
Sorry Homespeed, this is very legal in California. No one has ever opened their door while I was lane sharing. If the California Highway Patrol do this regularly, do you think they would risk that without a severe beatdown? Do you open your door while driving down the road, (at any speed?).
If your jealous, so be it. Riding a bike has many dangers that I accept with the task. Agree?
Homespeed?? Really?
Jealous would not be a word I would use and I will re frame from the more correct wording.
ive investigated Fatal motorcycle accidents that ocurred at 15 mph...... its not YOUR skill set I would be weary off, its the teenage drivers.Top speed during the sharing...23mph.
Let's be very clear. This would be foolish for me to attempt this at 55mph. I have this kind of traffic every day. It's normal for me and I'm quite confident in my skillset to handle it. I wouldn't dare try a 65mph wheelie down the freeway, but to some, that's a minimal risk. I wouldn't try going 175 mph on any road, but to some that's a minimal risk. A teenager texting at 75mph is way more dangerous than texting in traffic jams.
without incident? think again. motorcycles crash often in Cali from lane splitting. Motorcyclists reflect on lane-splitting after death | motorcycle, lanes, california - News - The Orange County RegisterI don't know why people find it so hard to believe this is safe. In CA thousands of riders do this everyday without incident. It's legal there, and drivers are used to seeing it.
ive investigated Fatal motorcycle accidents that ocurred at 15 mph...... its not YOUR skill set I would be weary off, its the teenage drivers.
without incident? think again. motorcycles crash often in Cali from lane splitting. Motorcyclists reflect on lane-splitting after death | motorcycle, lanes, california - News - The Orange County Register
I won't criticize you because what your doing is not as imminently dangerous as me blasting across Florida flats. But in the video there were literally hundreds of times when another car could have just moved over.
'oh I wanna change lanes', done, over, didnt use signal, didn't see you, omg are you ok? Yes in your examples of other things more dangerous they are. I blast out west as fast as I can go many times for miles and if something goes wrong my chances or survival are pretty nil. You are only going 20 or so but to me the chances of something going wrong are much greater for you than I. Most likely that has zero basis in fact and is just my opinion. I feel safer flying alone than sharing lanes with idiots. As already stated you are putting way way way too much trust in the cage drivers.
You are most likely sitting there formulating a response to mine and will again say its perfectly fine and safe. I can't argue that because it is your opinion and you have right to it. I've already stated mine. But I will use some of your own ammo against you. In the couple of years you've been posting vids on YouTube you have four or five ones titled 'near miss' or 'whew, close call'.
Such as this one
A couple mph faster, a millisecond later on brake, a combo of either two or many more and you'da smacked right into the side of that car. Then possibly gone down in front of moving traffic and gotten run over?
Who knows. Just seems like your pushing your luck to me is all. Legal or not be safe out there.
I have to admit I'm leary of lane splitting simply because of the idiots that would try to pinch you off or open a door, etc. It's actually unlawful to open the door of a vehicle in SC when in transit
Jedi I did not mention that because I probably would wind up doing same as you. No I wouldn't sit in traffic like that. To ones who don't do it it makes them very nervous. To a person such as yourself repetition has created comfort. It's the same as if I were to climb a cliff. First time I'd be scared but with repetition I'd feel more comfy doing it. Doesn't make it any safer though. My way around that is to live five mins from work. I would rather do all I can to prevent putting myself in that situation than split lanes.
Again like I said your comfy doing that and I'm comfy doing things your not. To each his own.
Be careful out there and lean a little more forward when your shooting