Why do dogs hate bikes so much?

Spin and a cast....

There was a dog that would race out to greet me in the street every time I went by his house,and the house was set back a good 150ft from the road so he was haulin' ass.:D
On one perfect day I went cruising by his house,not paying attention,when out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of him inbound at high velocity,like it was his job or something:eek:.......his trajectory was perfect for a direct hit.....all I could do was punch it,,,,his head hit the bodywork at the very front(just behind the front wheel)BOOM:banghead:....I took a quick look in the rear view mirror and he was spinning like a top in the middle of the road(YESSS!!!):crazy:
I thought he had bought the farm right then and there......but the next time I rode past there he was sitting on the front porch,,,,,,he took a look,,,,,but he stayed on the porch
,,,,,good dog:beerchug:......................there was a crack in the front of the fairing with black hair stuck in it,,,,,,,,I left the hair in that crack like it was part of the bike:D