Why do people cover their tags in photos?

Seems like 90% of Virginia tags I have seen are vanity style and must be real easy for criminals to remember! ???
I think I am more likely to get somebody riled up when I pass them on the interstate than with anything I may post here.
I think I am more likely to get somebody riled up when I pass them on the interstate than with anything I may post here.

That was exactly my thought when I started this thread but others have made good points about criminals that may want to victimize you and would do so by finding a picture of your tag number on the internet which would allow them access to your personal info (which they must have some of if they have a beef with you in the first place). Seems if it was a personal attack they wished to make on your person or family that they would already have info about you through some source generated by the reason they have a personal issue with you originally?

Oh so many crazies out there, that cannot be argued so I think I will remove my plate entirely and explain to the Officer that I can show it to him as it is in my jacket but I can't display it because there are way too many crazies out there that may want to get me.??? Hey don't you guys watch the Celebrity Apprentice? Hell, get Life-Lock!:laugh:
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I guess the easiest way to describe it is if a person isnt concerned about their personal information then just put the following information in your signature

Phone number
Drivers License number
Social Security Number

Because if I wanted to, with a license plate number I can get the above informaiton and with the above information I could do what I wanted to do. Identiy theft, stalk someone, etc

I agree better safe than sorry always try to leave as little of trail as possible
Like I said the bike can be replaced. Now a loved one getting replaced.... Yeah 10sec to cover plate is worth it.
You really wanna know why ????......because some LEO's "are" members in our community....and if they knew my tag # they could say "I KNEW THAT WAS SPUDLEY LAST NIGHT.....I JUST KNEW IT !!!!....darned low-earth-orbit fanatic.....how he got from Las Vegas to Oklahoma and back in one night.......I'll just never know...." :oldcool:
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Google Maps are pretty powerful.. Technology is always advancing - Don't ever know what tomarrow holds. Realtime satellight imagery can give you the year on a penny laying in the road.
There is always a joker out there every minute looking to beat the system. I'm waiting for day they come out with those motion targeting AK-47s' or machine guns that'll mount within a given parimeter. Like that movie where they take that APE that knows sign language through the jungle... What was that? lol Now that would be protection..
Anyone remember that guy that was passing out (or selling) the videos of him breaking 200 mph, in some car, Ferrari I think. Then they locked him up ?
Think of it like this:

If you drive by someone on the road, sure they can register your license plate. But they don't get a specific idea where you're from or what you're riding.

When you post photos on the Internet of your bike, it's like a catalog. The pic isn't moving anywhere. So now they know, color, probably year, what mods you have (because you blurted them out on a post), and anything else.
And for a mere sum of 2€ (here in Portugal anyway) you can go to the department of vehicles, they don't even ask for your ID. You can get all information from just the license plate. Owner, Age, address, if your insurance is in order, etc etc...

Sure you can act all tough "come and try to take my ride, see what happens"... we all like to think we'd be able to bash whatever idiots even dream of touching our babies...

My real question is: Why risk it and make it easy to people that are actively looking for this sort of information?

In a time where you see children with the face blurred out on tv because of fear of predators... license plates are peanuts by comparison. But that's what we've come to. People are learning to use information. For good and bad. The Good Vs. Bad people ratio is going to hell.

And so I prefer not to risk it.

My two cents and why I try not to divulge what I don't want to on a public medium.
I think I blur my plates but the reality is if thieves want your bike, they will get it, some how. Plus, so many places hold your personal information already i.e. work, doctors office, banks, etc.....It all electronic and computer geeks are constantly finding ways to "break into" servers. It certainly doesn't hurt to hid your tag.
The only problem ive found in having a personalized tag...for those of you who have seen it..is that now Im being stalked by Vampires...guess they never got over that whole mess yeas ago:laugh: but thats why I have Chuck Norris guarding my bike 24-7...and you KNOW nobody messes with Chuck:rofl::rofl:
BTW, you guys better cover up your plates at the bash, I will be taking pictures of yer plates!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Here ya go:
Think of it like this:

If you drive by someone on the road, sure they can register your license plate. But they don't get a specific idea where you're from or what you're riding.

When you post photos on the Internet of your bike, it's like a catalog. The pic isn't moving anywhere. So now they know, color, probably year, what mods you have (because you blurted them out on a post), and anything else.
And for a mere sum of 2€ (here in Portugal anyway) you can go to the department of vehicles, they don't even ask for your ID. You can get all information from just the license plate. Owner, Age, address, if your insurance is in order, etc etc...

Sure you can act all tough "come and try to take my ride, see what happens"... we all like to think we'd be able to bash whatever idiots even dream of touching our babies...

My real question is: Why risk it and make it easy to people that are actively looking for this sort of information?

In a time where you see children with the face blurred out on tv because of fear of predators... license plates are peanuts by comparison. But that's what we've come to. People are learning to use information. For good and bad. The Good Vs. Bad people ratio is going to hell.

And so I prefer not to risk it.

My two cents and why I try not to divulge what I don't want to on a public medium.

+1 Billy! I don't trust anyone when it comes to my motorcycle or my personal space (aka HOME!). This forum is open to anyone, including anyone with alterior motives. Cover it, blurr it, remove it and most important LOCK IT!