Two wrongs don’t make a right."You'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong"
They obviously weren't headed to the Capitol for a chat or debate. Congress was in session. After making a statement like that he should have clearly said no violence, but that's not his style is it?
Is he a blithering idiot saying this to a raucous crowd? Was the crowd idiotic in following his lead? Are you, Zerks, in complete denial of why this happened? Absolutely.
Kamala Harris pretty much did the same thing with Kenosha, said “it won’t stop and it should not stop”. This was amidst the destruction. Google is your friend, although the media pretty much avoided showing what she said.
I guess three wrongs don’t make a right either, but Obama encouraged the protests to continue, amidst the destruction.
I absolutely don’t support the fact that Trump rejected the outcome of the elections with his conspiracy theories, but we should not play with semantics to be inconsistent when blaming dirty politicians.
Impeaching a president who is no longer in office, while the economy is already paying more for gas and we have immigrants storming our borders purely based on what Biden has said. The next immigration crises is basically here. Don’t Shumer and Pelocy have better things to do with our tax money?