Just remember ya'll... Some of these "Squids" are known by some of the board members here... Some are local Tampa folks, and they may be misguided and truly crazy, but they have real jobs, and pay for their own busted stuff, go to their own court dates, etc. They are pretty normal, they just have some sick tendancies...
Not bad people and not ALL kids, or punks, or squids...[/QUOTE]
Yep, and I bet those fine, noble productive members of society also make sure to pay their insurance premiums on time too so that WE may ALL get to share in the cost of their fugtard antics.
And lets not forget to pity the Darwin Award candidates that run into the back of tow trucks while naked. Anybody who doesn't shed a tear for idiots like that is truly evil.
There's a reason sport bikes cost so damn much to insure compared to other bikes, cops target us more and we see nothing but complaints in the news media....that video full of morons is the reason.
I do have to give the squids in that video some credit as most of the stunts were done away from the public while wearing some form of protective gear....well except for that dumb ass Brandon. If he had bit the ass end of that car about 5 seconds earlier there's probably a good chance that turquoise car in the oncoming lane would have popped his head like a ripe pimple. Of course we'd all have to feel sorry for him then.