I would suggest keeping the scale in seconds. Looking at the two graphs you can see in the second graph that you're on the spray for a longer period of time before the 60' mark because of the slow launch.
Can you extrapulate how much time you were on the spray for each run? Toss your raw data into an excel file, zero out the time at launch and then you can overlay the two runs together.
Daco - I'm constantly looking at data files and performing analysis work. If you want, I would gladly slap this stuff together for you. You can email me the data in a .csv file. PM me and I'll gladly pass along my email address to you.
Can you extrapulate how much time you were on the spray for each run? Toss your raw data into an excel file, zero out the time at launch and then you can overlay the two runs together.
Daco - I'm constantly looking at data files and performing analysis work. If you want, I would gladly slap this stuff together for you. You can email me the data in a .csv file. PM me and I'll gladly pass along my email address to you.