
Donating Member
here's a photoshop pic of the "2 Contenders" side x side .
The Haya & the zx12 . Both of the bikes have been pixelized. Pixelized...Revliss my friend, is that a real word...pixelized . ?

Anyhow , the ZX has a frontal area of 6.09 ft2(0.556 m2)
the Bus.... 6.01 ft2(.558 m2)

The two bikes end up with a drag coefficient of :

Ninja = 0.603
Zook = 0.561

Take the worlds 2 fastest production bikes and see how fast they'll go .

Ya I know......BORING . Sort of.

The ZX12 needs 161.3 HP to go 187.5 MPH

The GSX1300R needs only 147.6 HP to go 187.5 MPH

So,there you have it.....thats why the busa is faster.

In case you were wondering....the average ZX makes about 10 more horse @ the rear wheel .

Look at the numbers . I've studied them . Cam lift/duration.
Bore x stroke. Etc Etc. It must be something electronic thats holding the zook back .

Those Kawki bastids are no strangers to fazz production bikes . 1966 they popped out a 250 that would do 170KPH.
Then they spit out the 500ss Mach III , fastest thing on the planet . Then they did the first DOHC motor . Dual overhead cam for those of you not in the know.

I am not a big Kawa-japanese wine enthusiast by a long shot . BUT, at least Kawi's heritage is airplane manufacture.

Not like them goofs at Yamaha-ha-ha....

they're just a bunch of piano buildin' bastids .

hav a good 1.....RSD.

Well Well Well...Mr RSD...So you wanna give me crap about a Honda...Then Carry on about How good Kawasaki has been? Curious... :biggrin:

Pixelization? Friggen close enough and is what you were after...
I owned a '00 ZX12R and let me tell you, we Busa owners should not take them too lightly. I can tell you first hand that the ZX12 in stock form feels a lot stronger than my Busa (stock also) until you get it really moving. To me the real difference is that the way that the Bus builds power so quickly in the midrange and top end. The ZX12 seems to have a more extreme rush of instant power than the Busa but then it tapers off.

Let us not also forget that according to magazine tests, the ZX12 actually beats the Busa in the 1/4mi. Now top spead is a different matter. It is clear that the Bus was designed for hight speed with a large effort made in reducing drag, hence the lower hp needed for speed, and the higher top speed.

It was actually cool because Kawi sent me a book on the design of the ZX12 just becasue I bought one (no charge freebie) that has a lot of information. I wish Zuk would do the same thing. Anyhow, my point here is that the real reason the Kawi does not beat the Bus in top speed has more to do with internal politics at Kawasaki rather than the design of the bike. From what I have learned and experienced, it could go faster if they wanted it to but the powers that be did not want the heat for fear of a legislative backlash that could have been bad for PR. Chickens asses. Their loss. Long live the Bus!!!
I owned a '00 ZX12R and let me tell you, we Busa owners should not take them too lightly. I can tell you first hand that the ZX12 in stock form feels a lot stronger than my Busa (stock also) until you get it really moving. To me the real difference is that the way that the Bus builds power so quickly in the midrange and top end. The ZX12 seems to have a more extreme rush of instant power than the Busa but then it tapers off.

Let us not also forget that according to magazine tests, the ZX12 actually beats the Busa in the 1/4mi. Now top spead is a different matter. It is clear that the Bus was designed for hight speed with a large effort made in reducing drag, hence the lower hp needed for speed, and the higher top speed.

It was actually cool because Kawi sent me a book on the design of the ZX12 just becasue I bought one (no charge freebie) that has a lot of information. I wish Zuk would do the same thing. Anyhow, my point here is that the real reason the Kawi does not beat the Bus in top speed has more to do with internal politics at Kawasaki rather than the design of the bike. From what I have learned and experienced, it could go faster if they wanted it to but the powers that be did not want the heat for fear of a legislative backlash that could have been bad for PR. Chickens asses.  Their loss. Long live the Bus!!!
Cool, But your case for the ZX12R being faster in 1/4 mile is a seriously debatable. Motorcyclist ran them head to head just a couple of months ago. Same rider on both back to back. Results Busa Faster Stock, and modified.....

I will still say that if you put two equal "average" riders, one on the Busa and one a ZX12R or a GSXR 1000 that the Busa will walk on the others. Why? Just a theory But you can really bury the crap out of the Busa throttle from the word go without it getting all out of shape, no BIG wheelies, no drama because of it's low height and length. The 12R from what I have heard tends to loft that front end as does the 1000. They may be faster in perfect conditions ridden by pro's "Though not according to Motorcyclist" but in the real world with real people the Busa is easier to launch and manage. Just my thoughts, I haven't ridden a 12R but I know from experiance that in the real world the new GSXR1000 cannot keep up from a dead stop..."Given Average Riders". Of course your results may vary...

Now I have read that the 12R "Feels" stronger because they have somehow managed to make a "peaky" 1200cc bike. So it feels more potent because of this "Powerband" type effect.

Just .02
You're right Rev, the ZX12 does tend to loft the front wheel pretty easily. But the 1/4 mile data I am quoting is from Motorcyclist and the ZX12 does in fact beat the Busa so I am not sure which article you are referring to.

I would also agree though that the stock Busa can post better times than a stock ZX12 for the "average" rider because it is easier to launch. But pride for the Bus aside, the ZX12 has more horsepower, a peakier engine (as you said it best), and is generally a more "sporting" ride than a Bus. Don't get me wrong, the Bus is the King, I am just saying the ZX12 is nothing to laugh at, it is just a slightly different animal minus the stability and high speed rush of a Bus, but it does add a more sporting chasis and a stronger or maybe just "peakier" midrange (IMHO) which may be more desireable to some.

Its all good!
2 things to remember people.

1. ZX-12 was compromised as originally released in order to *beat* the Busa. Which it only managed a tie. When the *volantary* speed limit went into effect Kawasaki revamped the ZX-12 to be smoother with a broader powerband. They also enhanced the power down low intending to capture the quickest title.

2.Suzuki & Kawasaki have entered into a semi merger and are starting to sell each others models. No they are not (yet) selling each others Sport or crusier bikes. But you can be sure that they are collaborating on marketing & design. They are also trying to avoid stepping on each others toes.
Merger? Say what? have not heard at all about anything like that.

Anyhow the book I have (from Kawasaki so it might be biased of course) said the ZX12 was designed to be the balls-out baddest bike out there but along the way it got toned down for political reasons and the goal post was moved to the dismay of the engineers and designers of the bike. That is what I meant by saying it could go faster if they wanted it to.

In fact it almost was a sales/marketing catastrophy because it never really lived up to the original hype. Ask any dealer, he will tell you how slow they moved off the floors compared to the Bus. Still a nice ride.
EAK, Yeah I agree that the ZX12 is something to take seriously thaough and is more "sporting" in nature...No argument...

BUT pick up a new issue of Motorcyclist, there in the back in the "Numbers sections they finally did away with the old BS quarter mile time of 10.21. Seriously, It was just last onth or so, they pit the Great Pumpkin against the 12R and the Busa beat it in every way in the 1/4 mile...I am not lying to you... :biggrin:
I'll try to check it out. That section was where I was getting my info from so they must have updated it now. Cool beans.
Oh there is no doubt that they are close, but I mean we are here to split hairs right?

I know Motorcyclist has updated their info because for the last 4 years their time of 10.21 has been buggin the crap outa me. I mean they were placing the Busa in 600 land...only mattered when Bench racing but still... :biggrin:
these are from the publication I believe rev was talkin' 'bout.

This was early in 2000 .

there is a collaboration between kawi and suzuki more with thier offroad bikes the drz400 and kdx400 are the same except paint and a few other models share parts, and i have the motorcyclist mag where keith (shine) dennis rips on the zx12 and bus and after 25 runs apiece the bus still runs faster in the 1/4 mi. sorry kawi fans:p
YEAH, That was the stuff I had been irritated at for years...10.34 1/4 mile? What did they push it off the line?:super: Thanks Rubber... Now the new one since the August test I think says 9.88...Good Stuff...