Why the tensioners are failing

Dear sir I must reply to your outrageous slurr on the British Character.......

You've got a point though.

If the tensioner was made by a brit, it would have lasted forever.

Trouble is, it would have been 6 months late, and weighed about 30lbs! :)

and cost a fortune!!!

I reckon it was designed by a computer geek with no grasp on reality, just the inside of a hard drive oooooooeeeerrr missus!!!

Nuts ;)
If I could spell I might be dangerous!!
[This message has been edited by NumbNuts (edited 29 July 2000).]

[This message has been edited by NumbNuts (edited 29 July 2000).]
Hey, I resemble that comment.. computer geek. I kinda wanted to design bike engines many moons ago, but they don't do much of that up here.

'lantabusa, yeah it's cold up here, but they have a different kind of cold over there - very damp cold that cuts to the bone. I was flying through there a couple of weeks ago. Hot everywhere else in Europe but cold on the island. (Maybe they don't think of it as an island, but on a Canadian scale that's kinda what it is.)