Why you should join Facebook - even if you hate it.


FB has facial recognition now.

as in you can set your account to use the cam to recognize your face for any and all logins? or that it will match the face with the pics on the account? while that will verify you as the authentic user it still wont stop me from making an account with your name and pics. will it recognize your pics and keep me from making an account? or warn you that im using your pics? ive not heard about this so im asking
I tried FB and don`t get it. Why put your business/life online for the world to see? I get enough of FB from a co-worker who comes in daily telling of what his in-laws are doing and saying on FB. Basically he said, she said. I grew up with that crap in my family. I can do without it. Screw FB.
I don't live around my family so its a good tool to keep in touch with them and keep up with other friends that I've made from afar. I've also found some long lost friends from years ago. FB is what you make it.
FB is only what you let it become. There is no negative aspects of it that you have no control over. Don't want the world to know what you had for dinner and where you had it? Don't post it. however if you and some friends want to plan on a place to go eat, FB makes a nice central hub. "X" just graduated and FB makes a nice place to share those pictures. You can actually choose who among your friends and family get to see what. Uncle Don can see "X"'s graduation picture where Uncle Same can be blocked, yet retain them on your friend list.

Stuff like FB and Twitter are pretty well integrated into our society now. If a person has kids, I suggest you have FB to help monitor them and teach them the proper way to use FB.
Facebook is now ripe with pro-left censorship and run like a Communist Dictatorship by Comrade Zuckerberg.

Hard no.
...and that WAS the sugar-coated version.
You have to be careful what u post on any SM. I hired a few different lawyer's a couple times to fight different things ...first thing they said,are you on 2FacedBook? They said, if you are,get off NOW.Prospective employers have been know to scope a candidates un-sociable media looking for things. Forinstance: 3 years ago you told your friends you took a week of sick time and went to mexico.I slept in again.Told my boss my cousin died. ETC. Ex-wives and girlfriends...ahhh no. Bank managers,cops,mother-in-law,people thinking about buying your car/truck/bike/etc.
Don't do it.