"Why'd I buy an RM-Z 450??"   by Ted Biele


Thats Mr. Great Pumpkin to you!&quot
Donating Member
Why'd I buy an RM-Z 450? Is this a mini-crisis? Is it that I have a son coming next month and want to be SuperDad? Am I just a friggin' loony?
Something about riding on the dirt yesterday for the first time in 20 years really put things into perspective. I am older. I am out of shape. I am out of my mind. Buying the hayabusa of the dirt was not a very smart thing to do. But hey - I did it and now have to live with it. Something about going from an 1983 RM-125 to this is just stupid or errrrr squidlike. LOL. What a lesson I just taught myself. Listen to your own advice Ted. "Don't buy too much bike now, you'll regret it later."


Yeah - what a time I had yesterday. The RM-Z is just sick. If you ride dirt - it is a must do. Wow!
did you wreck yet?
Lofl! No no wrecks yet! LOL! I wasn't trying hard enough to wreck yet Chris! LOL!

I will get some pics later!
Lovin' my DRZ. Not as fast as the RMZ, but really versatile. Gets me off road and gives me something to ride when it's too sloppy out for the Busa.
did you wreck yet?
haha.. if ya don't wreck it.. ya ain't even riding trails.

I think I've wiped out just about everyway possible with knobby tires... over, under, beside, upside down, left on my right, right on my left.. .. yep...

I remember once balling one up into the same mudhole three times in one day. .. soft landing .. but it smelled pretty rough.
I know what you mean Ted. I'm looking to get a KX500 in the near future. I'm 290lbs, even my big ass leaning over the bars can't keep the frontend down. Just the more reason i need it.
Hey, you'll love it! Before the Busa, my son and I MX'ed a lot. I had a KX125 (I'm not a big guy) and my son, a YZ125. Great times.

I don't know about where you are, but there is a great family oriented organization here in Florida called FTR (Florida Trail Riders). There are all kinds of sanctioned events ranging from motocross to hare scrambles to enduro. We did a few races. It was a blast!

Enjoy the new ride!
I know what you mean Ted. I'm looking to get a KX500 in the near future. I'm 290lbs, even my big ass leaning over the bars can't keep the frontend down. Just the more reason i need it.
Go for a CR500...no power valves and dosent have the on/off feel of the KX.

I have had 2 KX500's. Even with a flywheel weight and a loooooong spark arrestor those thinhs are just monsters.
I have not ridden a dirt bike in 20 year myself but I know alot of dirt riders and many of them have tried to talk me
into getting into it.

As money allows I am going to eventually get a dirtbike.
Ted, how's the 450 so far? I've ditched the KX500 idea, so i'm considering the RM450 now and would like some input on it.  Thanks.

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I agree, riding dirt goes hand in hand with riding street. I figure why limit a persons riding experiences. I love my DRZ450S. I got the street model basically so the local LEO's can't hastle me for "riding too close to the road" and BS like that. Thing runs like a tractor in 1st gear. No need to keep it in the higher revs just to have some power. Gotta love 4 strokes.

Ted you're doing the right thing! I'm older too. I think the only way to keep from feeling old, is to keep your a## totally in gear. I bought a FJR last winter. The FJR felt a bit on the school-bus'ish side, so I bought a Busa this past spring. Now I'm thinking about adding a KTM 450 to the stable. And I'm 53! Age can't catch up with ya if you're moving fast enough!
Is that the new dualsport model? I want a Suzi doublesport 450 with electric start....