Wife bought me a couple things....

It is always great when you have someone that supports you and the hobbies that you are into. You will love the tires and the way that they perform. :beerchug:
Since our anniversay and my birthday are close together, along with Valentines Day, she picked me up a few things. I've been needing the hood for those cold mornings and a beanie for this summer. I already have the book but was interested in the dvd when it came out. The shirt was a shock, never seen one with the year of my bike. The tires were the best. I had said I was interested in them, didn't know the sale would hit at the right time. It is very nice to have a wife who cares so much :thumbsup:

That's awesome Butch! Life is good when you have someone that listens & cares :thumbsup:
Nice wife ! How about a review on the Angels when you have some miles on them ?? :thumbsup:
Nice wife ! How about a review on the Angels when you have some miles on them ?? :thumbsup:

Will do. I still have about 1000 miles to go on the 009 Shinkos before I mount them up. Should be on them at the bash:thumbsup:
That's awesome Butch! Life is good when you have someone that listens & cares :thumbsup:

At first she didn't want me to get a bike but she came around. She said she would never get on it but rides with every now and then. I held off for years on buying a bike, building us several houses and raising both our kids. Now that the kids are grown it was time for me to pick up a hobby. After seeing how much enjoyment I get out of riding she is behind me 100%.
Looks like your wife is stacking up brownie points for Valentine's Day.

Well, found out why she bought me everything. She informed me that she wants to go see Paula Deen next weekend in Charlotte. I knew it was too good to be true:whistle:
Well, found out why she bought me everything. She informed me that she wants to go see Paula Deen next weekend in Charlotte. I knew it was too good to be true:whistle:
Still sounds like a good trade to me. Ride on down to see Paula, and get some cooking tips in and sample the Southern cooking!