Wife got her Busa yesterday (pics)

Very cool!
My wife has been wanting to trade in her Yamaha Warrior for a Busa ever since I got mine (04/blue,silver) four months ago.
We came across a deal on an 03 LE 40'th anniv model, garage kept with only 2,000 miles on the clock!
It was a great day (about 75 degrees) to drive the 125 miles from east coast to west coast of Florida.
Now she can keep up with me!
Well, it's 10:00 AM, 67 degrees and sunny and going to 73 so were going riding.
That is tight that you and your wife can ride on the baddest bike in the world.
that is great 40th was my only choice woudnt trade it for anything that color just looks fast!!!!
Nice color and congrats to your wife for the new bike, and congrats to you for finding a woman like that.
I wish my wife would ride, sigh ...it ain't gonna happen,any way it's nice to see a two busa family

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