I feel for you brother. My wife was diagnosed with Leukemia in may. Its a difficult and trying process but stay positive and believe in your heart that she will pull through it.
to all of my hayabusa brothers and sisters I could use a helping hand my wife of 25 years has been diagnosed with cancer I could Realy use some help. If anyone would like to help go to ebay and search for seller tclause and buy a watch I am not asking for a hand out just a hand up I restore and sell vintage watches and this is somthing I can do from home to stay home and care for my wife. Thanks for any help you can give thanks Joe If this is posted in the wrong place could a moderator please move to the correct place thank you.
I feel for you brother. My wife was diagnosed with Leukemia in may. Its a difficult and trying process but stay positive and believe in your heart that she will pull through it.
stay strong brother cancer is monster but it can be beat prayers for ya fam after losing my grand mother to it and my cuz beat it we found out that alot of the ppl that beat it stayed positive and kept going on with life hope this works for your wife........... u fix watches to
This guy came up with an incredible treatment for cancer and the FDA and our government have been trying to hide it for years now. Please watch this movie and pass it on to as many people as you can, it's that important. It's world changing. Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business on Vimeo...
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