wife wants her own bike... which one...

I would not get a 250 period. They are VERY weak. it is no fun riding a weak bike with someone who has a real bike. She will hate motorcycling. Get her a 500 to 650 Suzuki that has the guts to be enjoyable no matter what type of riding you are doing. Also, if possible, get ABS brakes. You will love them, she will too. That's pretty much it, no one has fun on a wimpy useless bike! All she has to practice is throttle control and she will love a real bike.
I would not get a 250 period. They are VERY weak. it is no fun riding a weak bike with someone who has a real bike. She will hate motorcycling. Get her a 500 to 650 Suzuki that has the guts to be enjoyable no matter what type of riding you are doing. Also, if possible, get ABS brakes. You will love them, she will too. That's pretty much it, no one has fun on a wimpy useless bike! All she has to practice is throttle control and she will love a real bike.

This is very true too. Years ago I rode a 500 Ninja and it got to 105mph(by the speedo, probably really in the low nineties) and leveled off pretty quick.
Not overly impressive, but good for what it was. Much better than a 250, and easy to keep up with big bikes at legal riding speeds.
I like riding the smaller displaced bikes. It makes throttle control so easy...either the throttle is shut or pinned open.
Ogre, she may like this one and its around $8,000 cheaper. :thumbsup: Just trying to help out! :laugh:
Now the price of maintenance on the other hand is a bit of $'s.

i was thinking an sv650, but she doesn't like the way it looks. maybe i can build her an sv based fighter.
Find a used Gixxer 600; so you wont' cry to hard when she drops it, and you can still use it as a trackbike....
We have a lady here that has fixed up a 250 and man it looks good. It has a full system and all on it. I really like the bike she picked out but I cant see 23K for it either. For that I would buy a Can Am Spider. My x girlfriend had one and that thing was so much fun to ride. Have you showed her that? Just a thought. I know most people don't like them but if you ever ride one I am sure it will make you a believer. Here you can go and test ride them.
Get a bike that she will feel comfy on. You will know which one qworks when you see her smile on it.
I got my wife a 2007 Ninja EX500 when she wanted to start riding, and she hated it (only has 890 miles on it if you are interested :poke: ). Purchased her a new SV650SV last weekend and now she can't stop smiling. She said it's like a differet world.
There are still plenty of new and used GSX650F's around with very good deals! Great heavy starter bike with plenty of power to get her ready for a Busa!
i'm thinking either an sv650 or a gixxer 600/750 would be the best as a starter bike. cheap to buy, cheap to fix, cheap to own, etc.
I would not get a 250 period. They are VERY weak. it is no fun riding a weak bike with someone who has a real bike. She will hate motorcycling. Get her a 500 to 650 Suzuki that has the guts to be enjoyable no matter what type of riding you are doing. Also, if possible, get ABS brakes. You will love them, she will too. That's pretty much it, no one has fun on a wimpy useless bike! All she has to practice is throttle control and she will love a real bike.

its more fun to ride a slow bike fast then a fast bike slow

friend of mine has 38k on his ninja 250
also know a 300+ lbs MSF inst. who rides his 250 more then his bandit 1200 or valkyrie

GSXR/r6/zx/600 or bigger SS bikes all stupid first bikes.

just bought wife a suzuki gladius (replacement for the SV650) her 4th bike , 2nd "SV" basically.
I own a bmwrr1000 ,so when my girlfriend rides it,i can put it in the Rain mode(she:s not hip to the modes yet,he-he)she hasnt been riding all that long.She"s telling me that she that she really loves to ride that bike,could you imagine if i totally unrestrick it?Well,at least for now thats were it stays.Ide say the beamer would be the safest way to go (if it doesent hurt you financially)
its more fun to ride a slow bike fast then a fast bike slow

friend of mine has 38k on his ninja 250
also know a 300+ lbs MSF inst. who rides his 250 more then his bandit 1200 or valkyrie

GSXR/r6/zx/600 or bigger SS bikes all stupid first bikes.

just bought wife a suzuki gladius (replacement for the SV650) her 4th bike , 2nd "SV" basically.
Yeah youve got a point there, its fun to open it up all the way and see just how fast itll go,cool:thumbsup:
I own a bmwrr1000 ,so when my girlfriend rides it,i can put it in the Rain mode(she:s not hip to the modes yet,he-he)she hasnt been riding all that long.She"s telling me that she that she really loves to ride that bike,could you imagine if i totally unrestrick it?Well,at least for now thats were it stays.Ide say the beamer would be the safest way to go (if it doesent hurt you financially)

that's what i was thinking. in another year or so they'll be more affordable.