windows tips


Anyone got some good windows tips 'n tricks?

I'll start...

F6 will auto highlight the url in your IE bar, paste at will,

don't do this next one until you want to:

Ctrl + L    lock your computer, or switch user

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win + E = explorer
win + R = run box
win + L = locks comp
win + break = my computer properties
ctrl + shift + esc = task manager.

I have a bunch more I use but those are the major ones.
A 50/50 mix of vinegar and water cleans windows REALLY well...............

OH!!!!! we're talking computers!! In that case...
ctrl+alt+delete... well, it closes things
or telling noobies in online games that the car's turbo button is activated with ALT-F4

... h3ll's keeping the light on for me...