Well, I started this project a few months ago when the weather looked like this... mods, after all, isn't that what winters for?
There are lots of pic's, so this first Topic is Part ONE. Part Two to follow!
After making the decision about what mods I was gonna do, I ordered the parts and titied up my work area. It all began here.
I had decided to add a full pipe and so, while the parts were on order I started here. Good place to start!
Didn't take too long, and after a while these were sitting on my floor looking more like the legs off and angry spider than something that goes on a scooter.
Now it's ready for the Brock I've chosen to replace the ugly spider!
In the meantime, while parts were on order, I used my time doing sundry other mods. One of the first was cleaning up the mess under my seat by installing an electrical accessories box in the back. I wrote about this in another topic a while ago.
Heres another couple of photos of the electrical work.
Accessory box
Electrical work completed, I next did the small air box mod.
Doing all this work, I needed some stands and thanks to Georgiabuas05, I decded to go with Pit Bull... I LUV those stands!
Well this is the end of Part ONE.. look for Part TWO!
After making the decision about what mods I was gonna do, I ordered the parts and titied up my work area. It all began here.
I had decided to add a full pipe and so, while the parts were on order I started here. Good place to start!
Didn't take too long, and after a while these were sitting on my floor looking more like the legs off and angry spider than something that goes on a scooter.
Now it's ready for the Brock I've chosen to replace the ugly spider!
In the meantime, while parts were on order, I used my time doing sundry other mods. One of the first was cleaning up the mess under my seat by installing an electrical accessories box in the back. I wrote about this in another topic a while ago.
Heres another couple of photos of the electrical work.
Accessory box
Electrical work completed, I next did the small air box mod.
Doing all this work, I needed some stands and thanks to Georgiabuas05, I decded to go with Pit Bull... I LUV those stands!
Well this is the end of Part ONE.. look for Part TWO!