The winds around here in Wisconsin frequently hit 40 mph during the "Ides of March," and I certainly don't feel uncomfortable riding the bike in the open in the higher winds. You can feel the push of the wind and somtimes it almost feels like you're riding on a forty-five degree angle and the wind is going to pick you up, but I've never really had a problem or felt "uncomfortable." The bike has always seemed stable to me. It's got a stock steering dampner, as well. I've experienced one tank slapper in the time that I've owned the Busa, and that was at slow speed caused by the rear end stepping out when I went around a corner and grabbed a bit too much throttle on cold tires. Completely rider error.
I think the general public, motorcycle riders and non alike, feed myths and rumors without ever having experienced it first hand. Kind of like the myths about Rotties (and other things). Lots of opinions, little experience.