I woke up about 1am to a bright flash, a little thunder but lots of lightning... I looked out the window and no rain, no wind but tons of lightning... I grabbed the camera and headed outside... This was a new one for me, the storm was building right over my house, you could see stars and no clouds then BAM a huge lightning strike out of the clear blue... Over about 5 minutes while I was setting up some clouds formed quickly and the lightning became more violent and really really really loud.... As fast as the storm came up it went away, then behind me about 10 miles another one tried to spin up.... You can see the two different small storms that formed up in the pictures, the first pics are looking East towards the City of Norman, that is why they are brighter. The darker pics are looking towards the country and the West....
All in all about 30 minutes worth of light show, enough rain to put dust on the car and a few good shots to post up here......
All in all about 30 minutes worth of light show, enough rain to put dust on the car and a few good shots to post up here......