Here is a condensed excerp from a book called mode one. Its a dating book.
Here are the Seven Primary Principles of maintaining a "Mode One" attitude & demeanor:
1) Never hesitate to approach a woman you find attractive. There are only two valid reasons to avoid approaching a woman: a) You're not interested in dating that woman, or having sex with her; b) You're attracted to her, but you already have knowledge that she is married, engaged, or has a serious boyfriend. Other than that, you should never hesitate to approach a woman you're attracted to.
You have to force yourself to take action. Consistently taking action is what leads to a higher degree of self-confidence, not lack of rejection. I don't care if you approach ten women, and nine of them reject you, just the fact that you took action to approach them is going to improve and increase your sense of self-confidence.
When you first meet a woman who you're interested in, don't concern yourself with how she's going to respond to you; Only concern yourself with what your honest desires, interests, and intentions are, and concentrate on expressing them in the most self-assured and unapologetically straightforward manner as possible.
2) As much as possible, always AVOID trivial, inconsequential "Ëœsmall talk' and/or entertaining, but non-purposeful conversation; When conversing with a woman, there should ALWAYS be a specific purpose for talking with her. You should always be looking to express some sort of specific desire, specific interest, and/or specific intention.
3) Never allow yourself to give a woman too much attention that is exceptionally "˜flattering to her ego'; Always avoid fawning over a woman, or filling her head with excessive compliments; This shows weaknesses and insecurities in your ego. With the possible exception of if a woman is your wife, fiancée, or your serious girlfriend, you should never flatter a woman's ego too frequently.
4) Always avoid giving a woman the impression that she is the only female who is interested in you romantically and/or sexually; Generally, women lose interest in you if they feel that they are the only ones who are interested in you. Interest from women attracts interest from other women. Women are most attracted to men who they know other women find appealing. If you have two or more women interested in you, don't try to hide that. If anything, emphasize it. Women tend to become more intrigued by you when they perceive themselves as being in "Ëœcompetition' with other women for your attention, interest, and companionship.
5) Anytime you express a specific desire to share a woman's company, and she asks you something along the lines of "Why should I get together with you?" or "What are we going to do when we hook up?," DON'T "WIMP OUT." Let her know in a very confident, self-assured manner what your SPECIFIC desires, interests, and intentions are; If she has an adverse reaction to your suggestions (however provocative they may be), do NOT become apologetic and/or defensive; Always maintain a composure of cool, calm, confidence. Wholesome Pretenders and Erotic Hypocrites will almost always criticize you to "Ëœtest' you. Most non-manipulative women, if they're not interested, will simply say "I'm not interested" and end their interaction/conversation with you. If a woman doesn't share your same interests, move on to the next female.
6) Never go out of your way to "wine & dine" a woman too quickly, or offer her a variety of monetary and/or materialistic gifts when you're just starting to get to know her; This makes you look like you're egotistically weak, and desperate for female companionship. A woman should have to earn the privilege of having material gifts showered on her by proving her loyalty to you, as well as convincing you that she possesses a true, genuine interest in sharing your company romantically and/or sexually.
7) Never criticize, or try to diminish the appeal, of another man's appeal to women; That shows signs of egotistical insecurity and Player Hating (e.g., "Oh, that guy is not THAT handsome. . ." or "I don't see what women see in that guy"); Many times, your jealous and envious comments towards that guy will make him seem more appealing to the women you're conversing with. In a similar manner, never "whine" and "complain" about what you "don't like" about women's behavior, or express frustration regarding the behavior of ex-girlfriends, ex-lovers, or other women in general. No woman wants to date a man, or have sex with a man, who they feel is a weak "whiner" type; If you cannot tolerate any aspect of a woman's behavior, simply leave her alone and move on to the next female.